Waterfall Portraits

Waterfall Portraits Photographer with a private waterfall, forest, & gardens, capturing portraits in real landscapes. Open Air Studio by Nate Feldman

Raided the garden for flowers for an elopement today.

Raided the garden for flowers for an elopement today.

Adding bricks around the old bathtub to make keeping the area clean easier.  I think it’s gonna be even better for bubbl...

Adding bricks around the old bathtub to make keeping the area clean easier. I think it’s gonna be even better for bubble bath photos 🙂

Lake Tahoe is the prettiest lake in the US according to Instagram.

Lake Tahoe is the prettiest lake in the US according to Instagram.

Keep Tahoe blue.

Nesting old punch bowls and using them as garden lights can add a touch of whimsy to an evening wedding. I didn’t realiz...

Nesting old punch bowls and using them as garden lights can add a touch of whimsy to an evening wedding. I didn’t realize you could invert and put them together to make spheres until today.

Photos in our iris garden?  It’s in bloom now and should be for the next couple of weeks. Engagement, maternity, family,...

Photos in our iris garden? It’s in bloom now and should be for the next couple of weeks. Engagement, maternity, family, elopement…

Sessions start at 200. The garden is located in our property in Po***ck Pines, on the hill just above our waterfall. Call or message to book a session.


(916) 256-0126


Wedding season is also anniversary season! Here’s 100 romance (“pickup”) lines from Shakespeare you can use as inspiration for your vows or your anniversary card. 🙂

100 pickup and romance lines from Shakespeare:

1. "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." - **Romeo and Juliet**
2. "If music be the food of love, play on." - **Twelfth Night**
3. "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." - **Sonnet 18**
4. "Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service." - **The Tempest**
5. "I would not wish any companion in the world but you." - **The Tempest**
6. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
7. "I love you more than words can wield the matter." - **King Lear**
8. "I do love nothing in the world so well as you." - **Much Ado About Nothing**
9. "You have witchcraft in your lips." - **Henry V**
10. "When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew." - **Attributed to Shakespeare**
11. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - **Romeo and Juliet**
12. "And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony." - **Love's Labour's Lost**
13. "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out." - **Romeo and Juliet**
14. "I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say 'I love you.'" - **Henry V**
15. "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear." - **Romeo and Juliet**
16. "For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation." - **Henry VI**
17. "Speak low, if you speak love." - **Much Ado About Nothing**
18. "Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
19. "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." - **Romeo and Juliet**
20. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." - **Romeo and Juliet**
21. "So sweet was ne'er so fatal." - **Othello**
22. "The sight of lovers feedeth those in love." - **As You Like It**
23. "I do love you more than words can wield the matter, dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty." - **King Lear**
24. "Love comforteth like sunshine after rain." - **Venus and Adonis**
25. "I am yours, forever." - **The Comedy of Errors**
26. "You are a lover. Borrow Cupid's wings and soar with them above a common bound." - **Romeo and Juliet**
27. "Come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the exchange of joy, That one short minute gives me in her sight." - **Romeo and Juliet**
28. "One half of me is yours, the other half yours—Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours!" - **The Merchant of Venice**
29. "Thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That then I scorn to change my state with kings." - **Sonnet 29**
30. "As a decrepit father takes delight, To see his active child do deeds of youth, So I, made lame by Fortune's dearest spite, Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth." - **Sonnet 37**
31. "To me, fair friend, you never can be old, For as you were when first your eye I eyed, Such seems your beauty still." - **Sonnet 104**
32. "Her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night." - **Romeo and Juliet**
33. "O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!" - **Romeo and Juliet**
34. "This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet." - **Romeo and Juliet**
35. "O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head, As is a winged messenger of heaven." - **Romeo and Juliet**
36. "Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art, As those whose beauties proudly make them cruel." - **Sonnet 131**
37. "Her gentle spirit commits itself to yours to be directed, as from her lord, her governor, her king." - **The Merchant of Venice**
38. "O, how thy worth with manners may I sing, When thou art all the better part of me?" - **Sonnet 39**
39. "If I could write the beauty of your eyes, And in fresh numbers number all your graces, The age to come would say 'This poet lies; Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly faces.'" - **Sonnet 17**
40. "I pray you, do not fall in love with me, For I am falser than vows made in wine." - **As You Like It**
41. "By heaven, I do love: and it hath taught me to rhyme and to be melancholy." - **Love's Labour's Lost**
42. "I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell, To die by your hand which I love so well." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
43. "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes." - **Romeo and Juliet**
44. "For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That then I scorn to change my state with kings." - **Sonnet 29**
45. "I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster." - **Much Ado About Nothing**
46. "I would be friends with you and have your love." - **The Merchant of Venice**
47. "Give me my heart," saith she, "and you shall have it; O, give it me, lest thy hard heart do steel it." - **Venus and Adonis**
48. "When I consider everything that grows Holds in perfection but a little moment." - **Sonnet 15**
49. "Thou hast bewitched me, beloved, and I am thine." - **Othello**
50. "O, learn to read what silent love hath writ: To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit." - **Sonnet 23**
51. "Thou canst not love disgrace me half so ill, To set a form upon desired change, As I'll myself disgrace." - **Sonnet 89**
52. "All days are nights to see till I see thee, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me." - **Sonnet 43**
53. "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
54. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds." - **Sonnet 116**
55. "Her voice was ever soft, Gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman." - **King Lear**
56. "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better." - **Twelfth Night**
57. "When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." - **Sonnet 18**
58. "O mistress mine, where are you roaming? O, stay and hear; your true love's coming." - **Twelfth Night**
59. "Did not I tell you how you should know my daughter by her garments?" - **The Comedy of Errors**
60. "O, from what power hast thou this powerful might With insufficiency my heart to sway?" - **Sonnet 150**
61. "I am perjured most, For all my vows are oaths but to misuse thee." - **Sonnet 152**
62. "My heart is ever at your service." - **Timon of Athens**
63. "You are as sweet as the sum of the sum of Romeo and his horse and his black cat." - **Love's Labour's Lost**
64. "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!" - **Romeo and Juliet**
65. "Your love and pity doth the impression fill, Which vulgar scandal stamped upon my brow." - **The Merchant of Venice**
66. "For you in my respect are all the world." - **Sonnet 112**
67. "I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes." - **Much Ado About Nothing**
68. "You have witchcraft in your lips." - **Henry V**
69. "Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom." - **Sonnet 116**
70. "What is your substance, whereof are you made, That millions of strange shadows on you tend?" - **Sonnet 53**
71. "The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service." - **The Tempest**
72. "I will make you the queen of Naples." - **The Tempest**
73. "O, how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day!" - **The Two Gentlemen of Verona**
74. "I think Crab, my dog, be the sourest-natured dog that lives." - **The Two Gentlemen of Verona**
75. "Thine eyes I love, and they, as pitying me." - **Sonnet 132**
76. "Let me be that I am and seek not to alter me." - **Much Ado About Nothing**
77. "Henceforward do your messages yourself." - **Julius Caesar**
78. "A heart to love, and in that heart, Courage, to make’s love known." - **Macbeth**
79. "Take all myself." - **Sonnet 72**
80. "You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant; But yet you draw not iron, for my heart Is true as steel." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
81. "And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." - **A Midsummer Night's Dream**
82. "I love thee with a love that shall not die till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old." - **Adapted from The Merchant of Venice**
83. "Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn." - **Romeo and Juliet**
84. "I pray thee, chide not. She whom I love now doth grace for grace and love for love allow." - **Sonnet 105**
85. "So long as I can breathe or I can see, so long lives your love which gives life to me." - **Sonnet 18**
86. "I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap." - **Henry VI, Part 3**
87. "From fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty's rose might never die." - **Sonnet 1**
88. "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - **All's Well That Ends Well**
89. "She's beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is a woman, therefore to be won." - **Henry VI, Part 1**
90. "I love not less, though less the show appear; That love is merchandized, whose rich esteeming, The owner's tongue doth publish every where." - **Sonnet 102**
91. "I would not wish any companion in the world but you." - **The Tempest**
92. "But love, first learned in a lady's eyes, Lives not alone immured in the brain." - **Love's Labour's Lost**
93. "Thou art the best of the cut-throats: yet he's good that did the like for Fleance: if thou didst it, Thou art the nonpareil." - **Macbeth**
94. "I do love nothing in the world so well as you—is not that strange?" - **Much Ado About Nothing**
95. "When you do dance, I wish you a wave o' the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that." - **The Winter's Tale**
96. "O, that you were yourself; but, love, you are no longer yours, than you yourself here live." - **Sonnet 13**
97. "What’s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine." - **Measure for Measure**
98. "I can express no kinder sign of love, than this kind kiss." - **Henry VI, Part 2**
99. "Thou art as fair as thou art beautiful." - **The Comedy of Errors**
100. "Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow, that tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—" - **Romeo and Juliet**

I’ve been collecting vintage swag lamps for a few years to do this photo setup.  This is an AI mockup of the overall loo...

I’ve been collecting vintage swag lamps for a few years to do this photo setup. This is an AI mockup of the overall look. I’m thinking I’ll set it up in May when the weather is better. Who’s interested?

One of my favorite couples 🙂

One of my favorite couples 🙂

Check out waterfallportraits's video.

Some amazing wedding spots in our area.

Some amazing wedding spots in our area.

I’m hopeful this will be a lupine super bloom year.  The weather is looking good for it.  I’ll be scouting locations soo...

I’m hopeful this will be a lupine super bloom year. The weather is looking good for it. I’ll be scouting locations soon to see how many seedlings came up for an early indication.

To booze at your wedding or not?  Here’s chapter 3 of my DIY wedding guide.  At the end there’s a few mocktail and cockt...

To booze at your wedding or not? Here’s chapter 3 of my DIY wedding guide. At the end there’s a few mocktail and cocktail recipes for weddings and parties.

Chapter 3:
To Toast or Not to Toast

Deciding on the Spirits: Alcohol or a Dry Affair

Your wedding day is a reflection of your personal tastes and the atmosphere you wish to create for yourselves and your guests. When it comes to serving alcohol, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Some couples envision a bubbly champagne toast and lively spirits fueling the dance floor, while others prefer a sober celebration focused on food, conversations, and different forms of entertainment. This chapter helps you navigate the decision of having alcohol at your wedding or opting for a dry celebration, along with the respective pros and cons.

A Toast to Love - Serving Alcohol

Choosing to serve alcohol at your wedding can add a traditional touch of festivity and celebration. Here are some considerations and tips for hosting an event with spirits:

◈Variety and Selection: Offer a selection of beverages that cater to different tastes. This might include a mix of wines, beers, spirits, and a signature cocktail that reflects your love story or wedding theme.
◈Bartending Services: Consider hiring professional bartenders who can serve drinks responsibly, craft cocktails, and manage the bar area efficiently.
◈Drink Limits: To maintain a pleasant atmosphere, think about implementing drink limits or using a ticket system to encourage moderate consumption.
◈Champagne Toast: A champagne toast is a quintessential wedding moment. Even if you limit hard alcohol, offering a glass of champagne to each guest for the toast adds a celebratory note.

Pros of Serving Alcohol

◈Festive Atmosphere: Alcohol often contributes to a lively and celebratory mood, encouraging guests to dance and enjoy the party.
◈Social Lubricant: Drinks can help guests relax, mingle, and make new connections.
◈Culinary Pairing: Alcohol, especially wine or craft beer, can enhance the dining experience when thoughtfully paired with the menu.

Cons of Serving Alcohol

◈Increased Budget: Providing a variety of alcoholic beverages can significantly increase your wedding budget.
◈Potential for Overindulgence: There's always a risk of guests overindulging, which might lead to disruptive behavior or safety concerns.
◈Logistics: Managing a bar requires additional planning, including obtaining the necessary permits, hiring bartenders, and arranging transportation for guests who may be unable to drive.

A Sober Celebration - Hosting a Dry Wedding

Opting for a dry wedding means alcohol won't be served, but that doesn't mean the celebration is any less joyful or meaningful. Here's how to ensure your alcohol-free wedding is a hit:

◈Creative Mocktails: Offer an array of delicious mocktails and non-alcoholic beverages that are as creative and appealing as their alcoholic counterparts.
◈Focus on Entertainment: Emphasize other forms of entertainment, such as live music, dancing, games, or performances, to ensure guests remain engaged and entertained.
◈Highlight Culinary Delights: Make the food the star of the show by focusing on gourmet, thematic, or interactive culinary experiences that delight the senses.

Pros of a Dry Wedding

◈Inclusivity: A dry wedding is inclusive of guests who don't drink due to personal choices, health reasons, or religious beliefs.
◈Reduced Costs: Eliminating alcohol can significantly lower the overall wedding cost.
◈No Overindulgence Worries: Without alcohol, there's less concern about potential overindulgence or related disruptions.

Cons of a Dry Wedding

◈Expectation Management: Some guests might expect or prefer alcohol at a wedding and may be surprised or disappointed by a dry event.
◈Perception of Celebration: Without traditional toasting or drinks, some might perceive the celebration as less festive, though this can be mitigated with other joyful elements.
◈Finding Alternatives: Ensuring a fun and engaging atmosphere without alcohol may require extra creativity and planning in entertainment and activities.

Making the Decision

Choosing whether to serve alcohol or host a dry wedding is a personal decision that should reflect your values, your guest demographics, and the overall tone you wish to set for your celebration. Consider the following when making your choice:

◈Guest Preferences and Safety: Reflect on your guests' preferences and how alcohol or its absence might affect the enjoyment and safety of your celebration.
◈Budget Implications: Factor in how serving alcohol or opting for a dry event will impact your wedding budget.
◈Personal Beliefs: Align the decision with your personal beliefs, cultural practices, or lifestyle choices.

Whether you choose to raise a glass or toast with a cup of artisanal coffee, remember that your wedding is a celebration of love, commitment, and community. The most important aspect is that you and your guests feel comfortable, included, and ready to celebrate this significant moment in your lives. Cheers to making the right choice for your special day!

Here's a list of popular mocktails that are often enjoyed at weddings. These mocktails are not only easy to make but also budget-friendly as they don't require prohibitively expensive ingredients:

Virgin Mojito:
◈Ingredients: Fresh lime juice, mint leaves, sugar, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Muddle mint and sugar, add lime juice, and top with soda water. Garnish with mint sprig and lime slice.

Virgin Piña Colada:
◈Ingredients: Pineapple juice, coconut cream, cream of coconut, crushed ice.
◈Instructions: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Serve in a chilled glass with a pineapple slice.

Strawberry Lemonade Sparkler:
◈Ingredients: Fresh lemon juice, strawberry puree, sugar, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix lemon juice, strawberry puree, and sugar, then top with soda water and ice. Garnish with a strawberry slice.

Cucumber Cooler:
◈Ingredients: Cucumber slices, fresh lime juice, simple syrup, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Muddle cucumber slices, add lime juice and simple syrup, then top with soda water and ice. Garnish with a cucumber wheel.

Watermelon Mint Cooler:
◈Ingredients: Watermelon juice, fresh lime juice, mint leaves, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix watermelon juice and lime juice, add mint leaves, and top with soda water and ice. Garnish with a mint sprig.

Blueberry Lavender Lemonade:
◈Ingredients: Blueberry syrup, fresh lemon juice, lavender-infused syrup, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Combine blueberry syrup, lemon juice, and lavender syrup, then top with soda water and ice. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Ginger Basil Spritzer:
◈Ingredients: Ginger syrup, fresh lime juice, basil leaves, soda water, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix ginger syrup and lime juice, add torn basil leaves, and top with soda water and ice. Garnish with a basil sprig.

Sparkling Cranberry Apple Cider:
◈Ingredients: Cranberry juice, apple cider, sparkling water, ice.
◈Instructions: Combine cranberry juice and apple cider, then top with sparkling water and ice. Garnish with an apple slice and cranberries.

Mango Tango:
◈Ingredients: Mango puree, fresh orange juice, lime juice, ginger ale, ice.
◈Instructions: Blend mango puree, orange juice, and lime juice, then top with ginger ale and ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Hibiscus Iced Tea:
◈Ingredients: Hibiscus tea, honey or agave syrup, fresh lemon juice, ice.
◈Instructions: Sweeten hibiscus tea with honey or agave, add lemon juice and ice. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

These mocktails offer a refreshing and delightful beverage option for guests at weddings without alcohol. They're not only easy to make but also budget-friendly, making them a perfect choice for a variety of tastes and preferences.

Here's a list of popular wedding cocktails that are not only easy to make but also budget-friendly, making them ideal for weddings that serve alcohol:

Classic Margarita:
◈ Ingredients: Tequila, fresh lime juice, triple sec (or orange liqueur), simple syrup (optional), salt, ice.
◈Instructions: Rim a glass with salt, mix tequila, lime juice, triple sec, and simple syrup (if desired), then pour over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.

◈Ingredients: Champagne (or sparkling wine), fresh orange juice, orange slice or twist, ice (optional).
◈Instructions: Fill a glass halfway with champagne, top with orange juice, and garnish with an orange slice or twist. Serve chilled.

Moscow Mule:
◈Ingredients: Vodka, ginger beer, fresh lime juice, ice.
◈Instructions: Combine vodka and lime juice in a copper mug or glass, fill with ice, and top with ginger beer. Garnish with a lime wheel.

Whiskey Sour:
◈Ingredients: Whiskey, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix whiskey, lemon juice, and simple syrup, then pour over ice. Garnish with a lemon slice or cherry.

Pina Colada:
◈Ingredients: Rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream or coconut milk, crushed ice.
◈Instructions: Blend all ingredients until smooth and pour into a chilled glass. Garnish with a pineapple slice.

Gin and Tonic:
◈Ingredients: Gin, tonic water, fresh lime or lemon wedge, ice.
◈Instructions: Pour gin and tonic water over ice, stir gently, and garnish with a lime or lemon wedge.

◈Ingredients: Vodka, fresh orange juice, orange slice or twist, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix vodka and orange juice, pour over ice, and garnish with an orange slice or twist.
◈Upgrade: Consider adding a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.

Old Fashioned:
◈Ingredients: Bourbon or whiskey, sugar cube, Angostura bitters, orange twist, ice.
◈Instructions: Muddle the sugar cube and bitters, add bourbon and ice, stir, and garnish with an orange twist.

Amaretto Sour:
◈Ingredients: Amaretto, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, ice.
◈Instructions: Mix amaretto, lemon juice, and simple syrup, pour over ice, and garnish with a cherry.

◈Ingredients: Tequila, grapefruit soda (or grapefruit juice and club soda), fresh lime juice, salt rim (optional), ice.
◈Instructions: Rim a glass with salt (optional), combine tequila, grapefruit soda or juice, and lime juice, and pour over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge.

These wedding cocktails are classic, delicious, and won't break the bank. They provide a range of options to suit different tastes and preferences, making them perfect additions to any wedding bar menu.

Spring is coming!  I can feel it!

Spring is coming! I can feel it!

The rope swing is one of our most popular spots for photos.  It’s easy to get real smiles :) who’s next?

The rope swing is one of our most popular spots for photos. It’s easy to get real smiles :) who’s next?

The dogwoods have no leaves, the ferns are all dormant, but the waterfall is still pretty this time of year. Im still do...

The dogwoods have no leaves, the ferns are all dormant, but the waterfall is still pretty this time of year. Im still doing photos while the waterfall is accessible. If there’s snow, it’s snow photos 🙂

The Sacramento Temple is a nice place for a wedding, especially if you like architectural design. Real people without th...

The Sacramento Temple is a nice place for a wedding, especially if you like architectural design. Real people without the over-photoshopped look.

It’s the time again for photos in the snow!  Who wants cute family or couples photos in natures wonderland?

It’s the time again for photos in the snow! Who wants cute family or couples photos in natures wonderland?

I love this witchy maternity session!   Who’s next?

I love this witchy maternity session! Who’s next?

Ran across these senior photos from 2020 again.  The pandemic seniors really were the best kids.

Ran across these senior photos from 2020 again. The pandemic seniors really were the best kids.


My website will be down for a few days while I move providers! Don’t worry, I’m still alive and well 🙂

IRIS GARDEN PHOTO SESSIONSI will be hosting iris sessions and you can also schedule a waterfall session on the same visi...


I will be hosting iris sessions and you can also schedule a waterfall session on the same visit 🙂 our private iris garden is located in Po***ck Pines, 50 minutes from Sacramento or South Lake Tahoe off Highway 50. All sessions are by appointment.

As of 4/25 the iris are sending up spikes and the first flower has opened. We are within a couple of weeks of the full bloom 🙂 once the full bloom starts, we have 2-3 weeks of blooms.

Sessions start at $200. Dogs and kids are welcome. Perfect for family photos, maternity, engagement, elopement, and more.

Nate (916) 256-0126


If you miss this springs iris sessions, I’m planting sunflowers, zinnias, and tall marigolds for more garden sessions over the summer.

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 I've just posted a draft of my DIY Wedding Guide that I've been passionately working on. If you find ...

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 I've just posted a draft of my DIY Wedding Guide that I've been passionately working on. If you find yourself entangled in the complexities of wedding planning, this guide might just be the beacon of hope you need! 🌈

Created with love for the crafty and budget-conscious bride, this guide is a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and creative ideas to make your big day uniquely yours without breaking the bank. 💕💐

So, whether you're a bride-to-be, a helpful bridesmaid, or just dreaming of your future special day, take a peek at my guide. Let's make wedding planning a joyous and creative journey together! 💌💍

In the natural grandeur, we offer a private outdoor studio that captures the essence of the area's breathtaking landscapes.



A few weeks ago I was thumbing through my socials when some amber-lit images stopped my scroll. The pictures were of a high school classmate–magic-hour shots in a mountainside field. Beneath them she had written: “I decided the end of my 30s warranted some ‘graduation’ photos.” What struck...


My New Year’s resolution is to ask for reviews. Anyone happy with my work, I’m on Yelp, Google, and Facebook for reviews, and they are appreciated! Thank You!

In the spirit of Christmas, send me over one of your old photos (think old photos of grandma) and I’ll see if I can do a...

In the spirit of Christmas, send me over one of your old photos (think old photos of grandma) and I’ll see if I can do a quick restoration on it.

Please, understand I’m one person. If I get too many requests I may not get to all of them.

The better quality image you send, the better you may get in return. Reflections from glass, poor lighting, low resolution, and other conditions may make restoration difficult. If possible remove the photo from behind glass, lay it flat on a table in good light without shadows, and use your phone to take a picture of it. Watch that your phone isn't throwing a shadow on the image, or that your flash doesn't overexpose it. Please understand I may pass on photos that are too complex or would take too long for me to reasonably complete.

I’m a photographer by trade, not a photo restorer – but I use a lot of photoshop, topaz, and other programs, so it's something I do from time to time. I’ll email any restored photos back to you without a watermark and you can print them as you like.

Send the photo to [email protected]


Who’s thinking about ditching the big wedding? How about the alternative adventure of an intimate elopement?

Discover the enchantment of Northern California, a region that intricately weaves together diverse landscapes, year-round romance, intimate venues, culinary brilliance, and accessible adventures. Here's a few thoughts of why it stands out as the ultimate choice for a dreamlike wedding experience.

Diverse Landscapes—
Northern California unfolds a breathtaking tapestry, offering a myriad of options for couples. Picture exchanging vows amidst the rugged coastal cliffs of Big Sur, surrounded by the dramatic beauty of McWay Falls. Alternatively, find serenity in the majestic groves of the Redwood National and State Parks, where towering trees create an intimate natural cathedral for your celebration.

Year-Round Options—
The region's mild climate sets the stage for year-round romance, providing couples with a plethora of choices. Imagine a springtime ceremony amidst the vibrant wildflowers of Sonoma's wine country or a cozy winter elopement in a rustic cabin overlooking Lake Tahoe, where snow-capped mountains create a picturesque backdrop.

Intimate Venues—
Northern California's intimate venues range from hidden gems to well-known treasures. Consider the charm of Beltane Ranch in Sonoma, where vineyard views and historic gardens create an idyllic setting. For coastal allure, the Cypress Tree Tunnel in Point Reyes offers a magical atmosphere for couples seeking an intimate and secluded ceremony surrounded by nature's wonders. Even our private waterfall serves as an elopement spot!

Culinary Brilliance—
Indulge in the culinary delights of Northern California to elevate your elopement experience. In Napa Valley, savor a private dining experience at Auberge du Soleil, overlooking the valley's rolling vineyards. Alternatively, explore the historic charm of The Ahwahnee in Yosemite, where gourmet cuisine complements the stunning backdrop of Yosemite National Park.

Accessible Adventures—
For adventurous couples, Northern California presents a playground of exploration. Say your vows overlooking the emerald waters of Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe or embark on a scenic drive along the Pacific Coast Highway, stopping at iconic spots like Bodega Bay or the dramatic cliffs of Mendocino.

Northern California's enchanting landscapes, year-round romantic allure, diverse venues, culinary excellence, and accessible adventures converge to create an unparalleled elopement experience. This region is the perfect canvas for your love story, as you exchange vows in carefully chosen locations that reflect the unique beauty of your commitment. In every detail, Northern California ensures that your intimate celebration is nothing short of magical.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting details of many elopement locations. Let me know if you have any special requests!


3939 Inagahee Road
Po***ck Pines, CA


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