In The beginning...
In the beginning, I clawed my way out of the pits of hel... er I mean Maryland. I was raised in South Florida, and have called the local haunts home since turning to the dark side as a wee bat circa 1984. I got my start spinning live on in 2007 with my show "Heathen's Short Bus To Hell".
While spinning the sinful sounds of Post Punk, Goth, EBM, and Industrial, more underground and less overplayed is my forte'. I have done some live sets at the likes of Mausoleum (Miami), and Social X (Ft. Lauderdale), but I took an extended hiatus and am now back with a vengeance!
More recently I have done sets at She's Lost Control at Las Rosas (Miami), MASS at Respectables (Palm Beach), and Black Fridays at Stache (Ft. Lauderdale). I’ve tasted blood and I want more!
I am extremely proud to now be a part of the wAVe family! Exciting things are afoot! Check out it at :