🌱 What's new for 2025:
- 2025 Peony Share: This will be now be 4 weeks long! Each week, you'll receive a wrapped bunch of 6-10 stems (depending on variety). Pickups will be every Friday in Poolesville OR every Saturday in Germantown. There may be an additional pick-up spot in NW DC, stay tuned!
- While dahlias will *not be included* in this year's Cut Flower Garden Trays, there will likely be starts available for add-on. I'll know for sure as we get closer to spring.
- Just like last year, I'll be sending postcards for each of the items in the shop. These can be used for gift-giving (it's nice to be able to hand them something physical) or you can just stick them to your fridge and gaze upon them to get you through the dark winter days. 100% your call.
- Garden Trays will again come in flats of 32 plants, but rather than the 4-packs and 6-packs of year's past, they will be singles. What does this even mean, Caitlin? It means more variety! And when I list all the extras in the online shop in April, they'll be available to purchase as singles. So whether you need one tomato plant or one hundred, I've got you covered.
- Garden Trays and plant orders will be available for pick-up here at Sungold HQ in Dickerson or local delivery (ZIP codes 20837 / 20838 / 20839 / 20841 / 20842). If you need delivery outside of those areas, just send me an e-mail! I'm sure we can figure something out.