Olivias wreath (my 7 yr old daughter if you are new here), with help of course. She made her own bunches and I wired! She said it's a C for Christmas but can also be for Christ. Need to get teaching her so I don't have to do them all myself lol!
Two beautiful weddings went out today or two beautiful brides! Happy wedding day to them both and their grooms! Wish you all the best!
Ok so i couldnt wait until later to announce the winner! I had my daughter do it before she leaves with her grammy jane this morning! Our winner Emilie Jean! Congrats Emilie! 😊. Send me a facebook message and i we will figure out the best way to get it to you!
We couldnt wait until later and i wanted my daughter to help me before she left with her grammy jane this morning! Congratulations Emilie Jean you are the wreath winner! Message me and we will set up how to get it to you!