Have a great day! Love yall!
This year I'm all in! I appreciate yall for sharing my stuff lately! It helps so much. I know I say that a lot but man it really really helps! This is my dream so that's the best way you can show ur love to me in this phase of my life!:) #treelifeentertainment #enchantmentleaguebeats
New Beat From the Team Enchantment League Beats !
COLLEGE NIGHT! Every Thursday at Runnerz Cantina starting at @9pm you can catch me DJn LIVE playing all of your favorite music from today's hottest artists! #enmugreyhounds #enmu #collegenight #nightlife #portalesnm
Starting this THURSDAY
Runnerz Cantina X FoulMouth_J = COLLEGE NIGHT
For the HOTTEST pregame party in the High Plains the ONLY place to be is RUNNERZ CANTINA!
Catch me spinning all the best music from your favorite artists LIVE starting at 9pm every Thursday!!
#nightlife #pregame #drinks #music #dancing #djfoulmouthj
311 s main Ave Portales NM! Here til 9pm!
311 Entertainment FoulMouth_J
DJ FoulMouth_J getting busy
On this episode of FoulTV, we got the homie Mike Wood aka Google here in the studio to talk about his YouTube channel- 76RUFFIAN67, the biker lifestyle, smoking culture, and also to try out my new Focus V Carta 2 provided by the amazing people over at Twenty Past Four!!
+ we will be ripping pressed rosin on this bad boy on stage all day at Dank in the Desert 2023 thanx to the homie Chris Prieto at New Mexigrow consulting so be sure to not only check the interview out but also come say whats up and test it out at the stage! What do you want to see next? Comment below!
#twentypastfour #swopyourperspective #swopnm #grandmadsbakedgoods #newmexigrow #focusvcarta2
Drop by the best smoke shop in Hobbs NM - Twenty Past Four - to pick up your very own #focusv #carta2 today! Be sure to drop by the stage at #dankinthedesert to try one out!
Mike Wood aka Google is coming thru to FoulTV tonight to test out the Focus V Carta 2 e-rig eith me and talk about his channel! Stay tuned! Shoutout to Twenty Past Four for hooking us up and giving me a chance to check it out!
FoulTV has special guest @JujuSmiley in the studio for a quick q&a plus some good meds!
In this video Portales, NM hip hop artist @JujuSmiley comes on FoulTV to discuss things like winning the slot comp to perform at Dank in the Desert 2023, cannabis and his creative process, his strategy that helped him win, and MORE! Be sure to also check out his live performance this year on 4/20!
#swopyourperspective #twentypastfour #grandmadsbakedgoods #newmexigrow
Hobbs NM! I'm in yo city tonight doing my dj thang! For the best smokeables in town drop by SWOP in Hobbs NM! Crazy deals goin down