hello all,
this was my last semester serving as manager, and we've got a bunch of other new staff as well! Henry Oberholtzer, the talented dj and someone who has been dedicated to this station since day 1 will be taking over for me. your new studio engineer is Sam Givens and your new record librarian is Fiona Battistoni! i'll leave it to them to give you an introduction, but i know they are all super excited to help with what has been a long rebuilding phase for the station. these past three semesters we have upgraded much of our station's equipment (hewwo new 18" subwoofer and power amplifier), updated to a more advanced and reliable streaming service, built a new website (thanks, henry!), at least thought for a minute or two about reorganizing the library, along with many other improvements. i know this growth will only be exponential with the people in charge now .
krrc has always been a special space for me. i love having my own time in the week to chill out, blast my favorite music and ramble on the air for the 3-4 listeners and 5 russian webcrawler bots that tune into my show. I've learned to dj, align turntables, clean records, and run a freeform internet radio station with very little funding. it's been a great journey and I have made a ton of friends along the way (don't worry, I'm not totally leaving. the garage loft will be back in the fall, sunday at 8 PM). i also want to thank the many people that volunteer their time during the week to share their own music and thoughts on the air. these past three semesters have seen a huge uptick in people who are really really enthusiastic about their shows and sharing quality radio content with the internet. It is you, djs, who make krrc the amazing place it is.
finally, a call to action to all of you. many people follow this page, and i know we don't keep you updated that much, but i know you know we exist and play music out there. although we aren't on the air now, when we do return in the fall i urge you to support us the best way you can: listen. our new website makes it extremely easy to tune in at any time, and it works on your cellphone too. many of your friends probably broadcast at some point during the week and would love your support. we want to share things with you! when the semester starts, check out the program guide, circle a show or two, and just commit to listening at that time every week. with almost 80 programs a week, i guarantee you there is at least one show you will like. or hey, just roll the dice and tune in when you have some free time. you'll never know what you'll hear.
alright, i'll wrap up this rambling and let you on with your day.
signing off, your friendly (ex-) station manager,
ely eastman