The next CHAOS in the Tropics tournament is next Saturday, August 3rd! For this season's fun run, we've decided that each monthly will be a different format. In July, we hosted the typical three-strike knock-out, aka 3KO. Here's the tentative competition format line-up for the coming months:
August - Constant CHAOS, a best card-type format where consistency is the goal
September - Catastrophic CHAOS, a doubles tournament featuring unique doubles playstyles
October - Ultimate CHAOS, an IFPA-sanctioned tournament worth WPPR points
November - MatchPlay: Fair Strike CHAOS, a grouping format where 0, 1, 1, and 2 strikes are distributed 1st through 4th respectively for each game
December - Bounty Hunter CHAOS, similar to pingolf, a particular goal is set for a machine and is available for play until its objective is captured
January - Doubles Trouble CHAOS, a doubles tournament featuring standard CHAOS playstyle combinations
Don't forget, all games will feature one or more chaotic playstyles! More info will be provided as each event nears. Pretty wild stuff! Which ones will you go to? We hope to see you next week!
Event details: https://www.facebook.com/share/Gvi7qtzbYSstQJ1T/