Thought we’d try something fun— meet our team!
First up is our intern, Allison. She is super chatty, personable, and follows direction easily. If your venue handrails are a bit dusty, she’s on it! A hole appeared in the middle of your ceremony path — she will fill it! Pinecones are scattered around your dance floor? She’ll get them out of the way!
She’s not onsite with us the day of, but she is a great addition for day-before setup! 😉 She’s not a fan of carrying chairs tho… but don’t worry, I can handle that!
When looking at venues, consider this:
Do they include tables and chairs? And if so, does their team set them up or do you need to?
If they take care of the setup, that is awesome! That means that they will have the tables and chairs all ready to go when your venue rental starts.
If they don’t include setup, and don’t have the option to add that on, think about who you will designate to do this. Catering? Planner? Wedding party? Be sure to also accommodate time for this in your timeline. This video is speed up 4x and is only a snippet of our day yesterday 😉
Set-up of tables and chairs in one location takes about 1-2 hours for 2 people (our setup in this field typically takes 2, because the storage area is pretty far. But if the tables and chairs were close by it would go faster). If you have different areas/buildings/floors to set-up it may take 3 or so hours.
Btw— this is a service UTV can help with! If we are your planners and your venue requires you to set/strike tables and chairs we can accommodate for this in your timeline. 💚