We were excited to have Amy Schultz join us in class today. Check her out here: Mumentous: The Texas Homecoming Mum project
Hint - you may see some familiar faces, and mums, coming soon to her site!!!
Amy Schultz is the author of "Mumentous," a book about her research on the history and heritage of homecoming mums in Texas. Her work has been adapted into a traveling cultural heritage exhibit by the Texas Historical Commission and is currently displayed at Garland City Hall.
When Ms. Schultz caught wind that Princeton students were in the giant mum and mini mum business this year, she made a trip down Highway 380 to see the work for herself because she said "they both tap into this tradition in unique ways."
While visiting the Panther Petals floral design students at PHS this morning, the students made Ms. Schultz her very own mini mum.
To see more about the author’s obsession with all things mum, visit www.mumentousbook.com