A worthwhile message to read from the owners of Masonic Temple Prospect Park, Prospect Lodge No. 578 F.&A.M.
My Brothers who have served in our country's military--in any capacity for any length of time--THANK YOU.
Those words are used so frequently, like "love", that it is sometimes hard to determine the weight and meaning attributed to it by its author. That is why simple civilians, such as myself, feel almost embarrassed when saying "thank you for your service", like our simple thank you is enough for what you have done, the sacrifices you have made, the risks you have taken, and everything you have endured all so we can be FREE. FREE to not feel like getting out of bed. FREE to have a bad day. FREE to feel the world revolves around us without pause.
So, you see, when we look at you and recognize your bravery and sacrifice, knowing the salary and benefits you received in return are paltry in comparison, knowing that's not why you did it, and knowing the selflessness you embodied, it can be intimidating when we are forced to then reflect on our own selves.
This only scratches the surface why those of us who wish to "thank YOU" feel that it can almost be insulting to just say those words as a gesture of appreciation for what you and those who came before you have done for us.
But, in reflecting upon all this over my lifetime, I've personally been able to shed some of this insecurity I have felt when saying "thank you for your service". We can honor your service and sacrifice daily by using this FREEDOM that YOU have defended for us by getting out of bed when we don't feel like it, make it a great day when we feel we are having a bad one, be kind to one another and give back as best we can because we should know our world is bigger than our own personal space, and making use of every last minute we have on earth in this Great Country to make it greater and move our fellow man forward.
You have given us a gift that only comes second to the life breathed into us at birth by the Great Architect of the Universe. YOU never forget that. YOU never be shy about that. YOU got out of bed when you didn't feel like it to protect us. YOU had bad days but weren't allowed to. YOU had the weight of our entire country on your shoulders, so you were reminded daily that the world revolved around all of us.
We love you my Brothers and your brothers in the military.
Thank YOU for your service.
Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,
Bro. James Bressi, PM, WM
Prospect Lodge No. 578 F.&A.M.
P.S. Please tag any of our Brothers you know have served in our Military in the comments of this post to spread my message of gratitude to all who deserve it, on behalf of Prospect Lodge No. 578 F.&A.M. For that matter, it should go without saying to tag anyone that is within or without our Fraternity as we in Freemasonry would not be able to practice our Great Work without them.
And feel free to post pictures in the comments of your time in service or your relative's time.