Here's another Fourth of July wrap-up post to express our gratitude to our partners, sponsors and volunteers for their work on our Fourth of July Celebration. 🎆
We wish to extend a special thank you to the City of Pullman, Pullman Parks and Rec, the Pullman Police Department, and our Pullman Firefighters for their work in helping us coordinate the event, Timber and their staff for serving our guests delicious food, our musical acts, including the Community Band of the Palouse, Dan Maher, and DJ Goldfinger for entertaining the crowd, Sue Hinz and her cotton candy crew, all of our volunteers who did everything from managing parking to cleaning up Sunnyside Park and of course our Fourth of July Committee Chair Glenn Johnson. Our celebration would not have been possible without the help of these incredible partners!
We'll see you again next year on July 4 in Sunnyside Park!