Who are we?
You may be wondering this if you stumbled across our page or saw one of our events being advertised around town. We are the official nonprofit organization created to support the building and management of the Centre for the Arts at Gladish. With the generous support of the Schweitzers, we’ve taken a big step towards building a dedicated home for the arts here on the Palouse! To honor that support, we have taken the name of the Beatriz Schweitzer Centre for the Arts. We are proud to be named for a woman who has been tireless in her support of the arts in our community. Her generosity and spirit are exactly what we strive to embody as we create this space for all of you.
So, does this mean the Centre is built? Not exactly. We are still in the fundraising phase of our renovation to the 1954 wing of the Gladish Center. That said, we wanted to establish ourselves as separate, yet still a partner to the Gladish, and bring arts events and programming to the area. While we’ll also be focusing on fundraising, we will be largely using the resources we have to host concerts, stage shows, classes and workshops, art exhibitions, and more! We hope that in the years to come, once we have updated this historic building, that we can offer more to you all with our state-of-the-art facilities. Until then, you can still expect quality events in our View Room!
Visit cftagladish.org for more information on the project, upcoming events, and how to donate!