From a very wise momma
A Sunday morning message for those who tend to judge and those that tend to feel judged….
This morning we had a self declared express yourself Sunday. The only real rule was Sunday attire. So it was a “yes” for the more questionable attire. If it worked for them and they felt good it was a go. We may not have a thematic color scheme or look like the poster advertisement for going to church.
And. That. Is. Okay.
The kids are going to church.
They are happy.
There are ready to learn about Jesus.
They will be too loud.
They will crawl on pews.
They may raise their hand in worship.
They have what it takes to be bold. Not fit the mold. Stand up for Jesus. Church isn’t a checkbox. Living for Jesus is a lifestyle.
So take your kids today.
Take them loud.
Take them with the Elsa dress and sandals at 50 degrees.
Take them tired.
Take them with all the excuses in the world not to.
It matters💛