Dear friends,
It is with very bittersweet feelings that I announce the closing of Social on Sixth April 30, 2024.
I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for everyone that has supported this incredible journey, especially my husband whom I now call Mayday Bob ♥️.
It has been my honor and pleasure creating a space that is welcoming, comfortable and inclusive of everyone. 324 Sixth Street has been a happy place for so many, including myself, and will continue to be.
I have never worked so hard and loved every minute so much.
I am so proud of my efforts to make every client enjoy their time with me and I love creating and hosting events that are unique, detailed and special. I will continue to embrace the event market bringing my passions, and a huge stock of elegant and kitschy vintage goods to you!
Think of it as “Joni To Go” 😂 I’m not going anywhere!
I am committed to the community I love and serve and cannot wait for what the new chapter looks like!
My crowning moments are hearing people say there’s something special about the vibe I’ve created and fostered. I just do me.
With every ounce of my being, I thank you all.
We’ve created something special together.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.