Raw. Bold. Real. Electrifying. Grooving. A prolific writer with an undeniable presence.
@tonyirie_ is one of the best.
We’re happy to have had him back in January - and this time, solo!
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #littlegreenaplantbar #concertseries #lglive #plantcafe #singersongwriter #reggae #bayarea #siliconvalley
Lucy Culp came in with her original song ‘Napa Valley Sunsets’ this past Saturday. @jeffgoodkind gradually (and sensitively) joined her on the piano.
On Saturday mornings, @jeffgoodkind and @kirahooks play from 10 AM-12 PM, and allow for others to sit in between 11-11:30 AM. Swing by for jazz, soul, and original music. It’s opened up for a collaborative experience where the arrangement made is based on what’s heard in the moment - a little different than the open mic sign up feel.
Back in January, @vic_o_lin Victor Lin & The Callers swept us away with soaring melodies, seamless yet unexpected harmonies, and lyrics that pulled us right in.
You could hear his love for so many different styles woven into every song—blending sounds from different eras into something fresh, exciting, and totally his own.
We love original music here at @lglive_rwc and so happy to have artists like Victor.
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #intimateconcert #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #littlegreenaplantbar #bayareamusicians #concertseries #lglive #plantcafe #singersongwriter #sfbayarea #bayarea #siliconvalley #victorlinandthecallers
@bennettrothnewell packed the house at @lglive_rwc @littlegreenaplantbar! He put on a phenomenal show alongside @williamjohnstonbohrer (bass) and @michaelhenningmusic (drums). We’re so grateful to have great musicians like them on our line up. They help support Little Green, the music culture in Redwood City, and they bring a lot of light into people’s personal lives. We hope to give back in more ways than we already do. Thank you to everyone who came out, and to Bennett’s fan base! No doubt, you made us look really good in photos as a concert series as well lol! Congrats, Bennett, on your album release, ‘It’ll Always Work Out’ - on all streaming platforms.
Here, he’s playing ‘Our Village’ off the new album.
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #plantcafe #lglive #pianist #modernjazz #jazz #jazzmusic #bayareajazz
Jaw drop. If you didn’t come, yall missed out. Make sure you catch Tori Roze and The Hot Mess asap.
@torirozebutt @littlegreenaplantbar
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #singersongwriter #lglive #plantcafe #torirozeandthehotmess #sfjazz #sanjosejazz #oaklandmusicscene #oaklandjazz #oaklandmusicians
Such a great night with @hannahmcdmusic ft. @aidanyoungmusic at #LGLive! It was also her birthday 🥳! Beautiful music, small bites, and a great hang.
❤️ @littlegreenaplantbar
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #originalmusic #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #singersongwriter #plantcafe
So happy to have just had @melindakbaile Melinda Kausek for LG Live!!
Catch the next sessions on Nov. 8th, 15th, and 22nd!
#LGLive #redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #intimateconcert #bayareamusicians #concertseries #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #singersongwriter #plantcafe
Thank you @adrianwestband for the incredible music! We love your songs!!
#intimateconcert #LGLive #redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #bayareamusicians #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #singersongwriter #plantcafe #originalmusic
@gabycastromusic’s gorgeous love letter to California @littlegreenaplantbar
#californiagirls💋 #californiagirl #california #goldenstate #gabycastro #folk #americana #bayarea #redwoodcity #bayareasingersongwriter #singersongwriter #folkalliance #intimateconcert #listeningroom #plantbar #plantcafe #littlegreen #littlegreenaplantbar #concertseries #lglive
Celestial Hotties 💫 at @lglive_rwc @littlegreenaplantbar being fire AF!
#littlegreen #littlegreenaplantbar #intimateconcert #listeningroom #redwoodcity #plantbar #bayareamusicians #concertseries #plantcafe #lglive #originalmusic
@steelnhammers (multi-instrumentalists, Elyse Weasley and @antonestaniel) brought in really beautiful originals as well as colorful arrangements of cover tunes that involved using a loop station, cello, drums, keys, samples, synth sounds, and voice ❤️ they took us on a gorgeous sonic journey that really fit the vibe of @littlegreenaplantbar! Thank you SteelNHammers for playing a great set at LG Live!
#redwoodcity #listeningroom #plantbar #originalmusic #bayareamusicians #intimateconcert #concertseries #littlegreenaplantbar #lglive #singersongwriter #plantcafe