16 years of Swoon 💗✨
Every Swooniversary is shared with my incredible team of women present and past who are dedicated and brilliant and make dreams come true on the daily. Alisha, Amber, Gina, Maddy, Brynn, Ashley, Courtney, Cindy, Serena:
You are the bees’ knees. 🐝
And to our brides…💍
I’ll never forget that my wonderful mentor, who gave me my first job in bridal 20 years ago, said that she hired me because she knew I loved stories. I had two degrees in writing and not a day of retail experience, but she knew from her own career that so much of the work behind selling a wedding dress is the desire to understand people and their stories.
Hearing love stories, understanding the story of a woman and her body, honoring the role that a dash of romance and fantasy must play to make us all dream big and want to do something extraordinary by choosing one person to create a life alongside and wear something extraordinary for the start of that journey…something that feels like us…but softer, richer, more magical than anything we have worn before…because what we are doing by loving so boldly in this world is simply extraordinary.
The commitments we make. The people we pick. The bravery it takes to decide that loving people well for life will be the hardest and most meaningful work one can do. And that that should all be celebrated by stopping the world for a few glorious hours to celebrate love, love, love. I believe in it all as much as I did when I opened Swoon’s doors 16 sweet years ago.
These are the stories that we will hold until the end…that make life beautiful…that make us real. Cheers to all of you who shared your love story with us, who created forever memories inside our walls, who share our belief that it’s more than just a dress and still believe in this crazy little thing called love. Still swooning over each and every one of you. 🤍💫
Happy Sweet Sixteen, Swoon! 🎂
Yours, faithfully, Michelle 💗