FARM FUN FRIDAY! Green grass and blue sky... it's time to party!!! All American Sod 435-896-4261
Water Wednesday! We pray for water every day. It is the life blood of agriculture and daily living for all. We farm in South Central Utah and because we are usually so dry, when the heavy monsoon rains of summer come, we experience flash flooding along with mud and debris coming out of the red mountains to the west. Some years are worse than others with 2018 being the worst so far. We have done so much over the years to mitigate the damage to our farm and the surrounding area. This year we saw so much of that work pay off and we are so grateful! In the early hours of last Sunday morning and again on Monday afternoon we had high flood waters that went over the banks of our flood wash. Our farm was still flooded, but the damage was not nearly what it has been in the past. We are thankful and grateful for all the support we have received from many who have helped us be able to work toward a better future for our flooding issues. We are also thankful and grateful to our loyal customers for their continued support! We appreciate you all! ❤️
Providing SOFT, SAFE, COOL, places to play for 46 years! All American Sod 435-896-4261
She does it all! 💪 L❤️VE that our daughters can drive 18 wheelers, tractors, forklifts, backhoes, and other heavy equipment! We are so grateful for our Farm Girls! 🤠
All American Sod 435-896-4261
Farm FUN Friday!!! 🌞 ☀️ 🌞
Farm FUN Friday! Have an excellent Labor Day Weekend! 435-896-4261
Thumbs-up Thursday! Happy Happy Birthday to the guy who keeps the farm looking GOOD day in and day out EVEN ON HIS BIRTHDAY! He is AMAZING! We sure love and appreciate him ❤️ 435-896-4261
Turf Tuesday--NOW is the PERFECT time to install sod in your yard! 435-896-4261
Monday MOW-tivation! So grateful 🙏 435-896-4261
Farm FUN Friday! Feels like time to do this again! 🥰 435-896-4261