We still have some beautiful Mother's Day baskets, planters, and even potted tomato patio plants. We also have the cooler in our shop stocked up with microgreens, mushrooms, edible nasturtium flowers, and fresh cut herbs. If you are one of those last minute folks who haven't gotten Mother's Day gifts yet, we are OPEN ALL DAYLIGHT HOURS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!
What a beautiful sunny day for our openhouse! And these cheery daffodils bring lots of happiness to start the morning! Come see us today from 9-5 here at the farm. 16277 US HWY 14, Richland Center, WI.
Need something to do today? Come visit us at the farm during our OPENHOUSE ands enjoy this lovely spring day with us! We will be doing tours from 9am-5pm at 16277 US HWY 14, Richland Center, WI. The kids and I hope to see you soon!
Sure seems like spring today!!! We are finally getting out first field ready to plant! #naturalfarming #farmlife #lovingfarmlife
Even a tiny shipment of plant starts brings me joy😁
It's always exciting when I get seed stock in for my crops in the spring and since this one is so special I'm extra happy to get to share what we are up to. Take a look at how our tropical baby ginger crop starts😁 Feel free to ask any questions you've got here or send me a message......or better yet, stop by the farm next Saturday morning for our NOT-QUITE-SPRING OPEN HOUSE between 9am-noon to see things and ask your questions in person.
A look into the greenhouse on this chilly morning!!!!
Sorry I'm not more technologically skilled and my thumb got a good close up during a part of this video. But here's a little look at a small part of our farm. And THANK YOU again to all the folks that have come out to see us at the market and support us.
Happy Monday! If anyone is interested, I will have some available flower bouquets, along with rhubarb and radishes today. Send me a message if you’d like more information!
Good morning! Let’s talk about how we manage pests, bacteria, fungal disease, and weeds at our farm in a bee friendly, and healthy way that will always work no matter how many years in a row we use it! #familyfarming #beefriendly #farmlife
Blueberries are FINALLY getting planted today!!!! Woo-hoo!
Lots of progress today. Yay!