Jarabe Mexicano in the lobby
Post-concert encore in the lobby
Jarabe Mexicano after concert at Richland High
Jarabe Mexicano showcase
Jarabe Mexicano will play for students at Pasco High School on Friday 9/20, then performer for Community Concerts of the Tri-Cities in the Richland High auditorium Saturday night (9/21, 7:30 pm). You can buy tickets to the Saturday show at the door, but it's a much better deal to become a member of CCTC and attend FIVE of this season's concerts for one low price. Details at CommunityConcertsTC.org.
Columbia River Community Visit Tri-Cities, Washington Three Rivers Folklife Society (3RFS) Tumbleweird Vibe Tri-Cities
1-minute Jarabe Mexicano demo reel
Jarabe Mexicano 2-min showcase
Here's a 2-minute showcase of Jarabe Mexicano, who will perform one show only in the Tri-Cities on Sept. 21 (7:30 pm at Richland High). Their energy and sound are terrific! Information at CommunityConcertsTC.org.
Aquí tienes una muestra de 2 minutos de Jarabe Mexicano, quienes ofrecerán un único show en los Tri-Cities el 21 de septiembre (7:30 pm en Richland High). ¡Su energía y sonido son impresionantes! Más información en CommunityConcertsTC.org.
We are so excited about this one!
A word from our president.
Aureum by Halcyon Shows
THE ONLY WAY TO GUARANTEE A SEAT to our concerts and performances is through our affordable Season Memberships! Memberships and Single event tickets available at communityconcertsTC.org At door tickets upon availability.
Aureum by Halcyon Shows
First performance of the season!
Sep 17, 2019 7:30 pm at Richland High Auditorium.
THE ONLY WAY TO GUARANTEE A SEAT to our concerts and performances is through our affordable Season Memberships! Memberships and Single event tickets available at communityconcertTC.org At door tickets available if not sold out.