When the math isn’t mathing 🧮…
Food for your budget, good for momma earth! 🎉
Get ready for a #weddingweekend with us at The Stone House at Silver Creek. #thestonehouseatsilvercreek #KYVenues #RichmondKentucky #visitlex #lexgetmarried #lexky #lexingtonweddingvenues #myrichmondky
#thestonehouseatsilvercreekHave we mentioned our venue is located in central Kentucky? 😅 #KYVenues #thestonehouseatsilvercreek #lgbtqownedbusiness #countryqueer #lgbtqky #kywedding #kentuckywedding #lexgetmarried #visitlexington
We wear many hats 🎩 here at The Stone House at Silver Creek. #thestonehouseatsilvercreek #lexgetmarried #kyweddings #kyvenues #womanownedbusiness #lgbtqownedbusiness #kentuckyproud #RichmondKentucky
Nothing quite like a sunrise here at The Stone House at Silver Creek. #richmondky #letsgetmarried #kentuckywedding #visitlex #inclusiveweddings #lgbtqownedbusiness #kentuckyvenue
Forever celebrating one of our favorite couples yet - Rachael and Matt. 🎉 #kentuckyweddings #lgbtqownedbusiness #inclusiveweddings #kentuckybusiness #richmondky #visitlex
A green and white wedding weekend here in Richmond, Kentucky! #richmondkentucky #kentuckywedding #kentuckybusiness #visitlex #lexingtonwedding #lexingtonky #lgbtqownedbusiness #greenandwhitewedding #barnweddingvenue
Kentucky backdrops are 🤌🏼✨ #kentuckywedding #RichmondKentucky #kentuckysmallbusiness #weddingvenueky #weddingseason #barnweddingideas #outdoorwedding #weddingshoot
Our largest head table yet - set for 17! 🤯
Whether your style is a large wedding party or more of a small sweetheart table vibe, we love helping our couples make their vision come to life!
Still reminiscing about @bourbonandbouquet’s
Sweetheart table design from last weekend’s wedding 😍
#sweethearttableideas #sweethearttableideas #weddingvenuekentucky #weddingvenueky #inclusiveweddingvenue #richmondkentucky