Offering... a weekly update in my continuing Masters in Leadership journey...(Class begins Sept 30th)...
A few weeks ago I made a synchronistic and powerful connection while cooking at California Brazil Camp. For the last 2 weeks I have been under the guidance of the radiant and wise James Stark. We are exploring the Ecology of Leadership and I am deep in the work of internal inquiry and coming to myself with curiosity and compassion as I look to compost and renew.
Part of my homework this week has been to practice my Owl Eyes, learning to shift my attention a focus point and my broader field of vision. I have been surprised and the flow of insights doing such a simple exercise has created and what power it can have when used to look at ourselves and our stories/narratives. Curious? Want to do it yourself, ask and I could share me.
I am grateful for the partnership and extra support I am experiencing in this transitional time and at the start of my formalized journey.
Thank you to all who have supported me through my GoFundMe in the last few weeks and thank you to my ever loving family whose kindness and unconditional love has held me through this challenging and illuminating last year.
To read more about my Leadership Path and to Support my Journey you can follow the link below and I invite you to share it if it feels good.
and happy Equinox y'all.