we lost becky on july 24 after years of fighting cancer. she was so brave both in choosing to fight it, and in accepting fate. she was good and genuine and beautiful. on this day and forever we celebrate becky.
her celebration of life will be on sunday 11 august
from 11am-2pm
it will be outdoors on the terrace and in the laborspace lot. it's a pot luck, a dance party, with crafting tables, and a procession down to the river. all things becky wanted for this occasion.
obit: dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/davenport-ia/rebecca-wren-11915540
she sent me a song a while back that i want to share with you all, as it's relevant here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq0A62PEVAE
our hearts and thoughts are with those closest to her.