Share the love with Chick-fil-A Rockford!
Starting today you can ask for your 10-Count Chick-n-Mini in a heart shaped tray! Show up early, these are only available during our breakfast hours 6:30am - 10:30am Monday - Saturday!
#CFA #cfa #chickfila #mini #valentines #cfarockford
Hey Rockford!
Stop by Chick-fil-A Rockford and place a Drive-Thru Mobile Order on Friday, January 17th. As a special thank-you, we’ll send you a reward for a FREE 3-COUNT CHICKEN STRIP within 24-48 hours.
#CFA #cfa #chickfila #cfarockford #drivethru #free
🐮🎨Join us Wednesday, August 14 from for Spots and Sips!
Spots and Sips is open to people of all ages! We'll be at Chick-fil-A Rockford from 9 am - 10am coloring cow ears, painting, and no event would be complete without an appearance from the Chick-fil-A Cow! We'll even be giving participants a chance to display some of their art at Chick-fil-A Rockford!
#cfa #cfarockford #summerofcows #s#spotsandsip #artsandcrafts
The Cows have called a CODE MOO!
Circus Burger is back; Sarge, Carrots, and Daisy need your help to defeat them! Play a new course each week and earn rewards in your Chick-fil-A app along the way.
Download our mobile app here. ⬇️ To help the hurd!
#cfa #chickfila #cfarockford #freechicken #codemoo #summerofcows #circusburger
Cool off by the pool 😎and let us deliver the chicken to you!��🚗 #chickfila #cfarockford #cfa #summervibes #summer #delivery #chicken #pooldays
It’s Peach season, and it brought a friend the Maple Pepper Bacon sandwich! A juicy, grilled chicken filet with Pepper Jack cheese, sweet and spicy pickles, and crispy bites of brown sugar pepper bacon on a maple-flavored brioche bun.��#cfa #chickfila #cfarockford #mpb #maplepepperbacon #summer #peachmilkshake #peachseason
Join us in celebrating you, our very own Hometown Heroes! Each day between May 6 - May 10, we will be giving one free meal from Chick-fil-A Rockford to our Hometown Heroes! Check out the schedule below to see which Hometown Hero we’ll be celebrating, each day! ���Monday, May 6: Veterans and Active Military�Tuesday, May 7: Teachers, Educators, and School AdministratorsWednesday, May 8: Police OfficersThursday, May 9: EMTs and FirefightersFriday, May 10: Nurses��There is a limit of one meal per person, and you must be present to redeem. Must provide valid/official ID as proof of service. ��#cfa #chickfila #cfarockford #815 #rockfordil #freechicken #veterans #teachersappreciationweek #hometownheroes #rpd #emt #firefighter #nurse
A berry new way to cherry!🍒🫐It's available now as a Sunjoy, Iced Tea, Lemonade, and a Frosted Lemonade. Let us know in the comments below the version you are most excited to try!
#cfa #cfarockford #rockfordil #chickfila #CherryBerry #cherry #Berry #seasonalbeverage #spring