Here is the Homeless Commission Meeting link from Monday March 25, 2024 which had an official update from the Navigation Center. When I compare the numbers of housed to the actual costs, we as a community just have to reevaluate this and the effectiveness of a homeless commission that now other than Mayor and a City Council member... ONLY has the commissioner that is CEO of UCAN that is operating the Navigation Center under a $3,250,000.00 two year contract.
According to the live recorded update right now the center is at maximum capacity with 41 people that includes 8 children. These people are either in 10 outdoor pods or inside sleeping in a big room with lots of beds within like 3 feet of each other. Also since the City of Roseburg entered into a contract with UCAN in like March of 2022 there have been only 92 total people stay overnight at the center. Meaning 51 have gone on somewhere else which according to the UCAN Navigation Center manager the center is hitting 75% of people being housed to either their own housing, living with family or living in a camper somewhere. So folks if that 51 x 75% = 38 people found some type of housing which they did not have numbers to separate between housing of their own, a couch with the parents or a camper. But even if this was 38 people being aided to get into a house/apartment or anything else...almost $5,000,000.00 in total cost is just too much to keep this going. Even the $3,250,000.00 is too much as that ends up being $85,526.31 per person that actually stayed at the navigation center then got housed. That would even include those that went to live on a family couch or in a camper somewhere. Another way of looking at this is the $5,000,000.00 spent and only 91 total people ever stayed there would be $54,945.05 spent as an average on every person that has gone through in almost 2 years. This money is better spent figuring out real alternative housing opportunities because we could have built about 250 tiny homes (at $20,000 each) for this money and almost every homeless person in the area taken care of.
Please Note: On May 22, 2023, lack of a quorum led to the inability to conduct official business, so the Homeless Commission only heard updates. The unofficial meeting also started late -- at 8:22 into the recording.