Our beloved Sunny Bailey passed away in August of last year. As the manager and owner of Naylor Hall she helped conduct over 2500 weddings in her 30 plus year career, and her contributions to the Roswell business community and the Historic District are immeasurable. One of her greatest joys was taking care of her many brides and having them return years later with their family to relive their wedding celebration.
Sunny was a true renaissance women who could sing, dance, make art and run a successful business all while connecting on a heartfelt level with everyone from her vendors & employees to the families of her brides. Her accomplishments were only eclipsed by the size of her heart which allowed her to love and care for her girlfriends, her family and her community.
We are continuing her legacy of hospitality, and we are planning an art memorial in her honor on the lawn at Naylor Hall. We have raised almost half of the cost, and we are planning a dedication party for May or June of this year. The enclosed picture is the sculpture we are hoping to purchase, and there is a link to Eugene Perry’s website, who is the artist.
This artwork will be a beautiful addition to Canton St and serve as a memorial to the most beautiful ambassador Roswell ever had.
If you want to support the memorial please use the Venmo link below to make a contribution.
Thank you ❤️