We've been working with National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils for the last 12 years and it's been great. The Foundation provides DON'T QUIT! Fitness Centers to schools across the United States. This year, we provided fitness centers to Maine, New Hampshire, Mississippi and North Carolina. Typically we host a ribbon cutting ceremony at each school but due to COVID, we are participating virtually. Perquimans County Middle School in Winfall, NC just cut the ribbon on their new state of the art fitness center. Check it out.
Spending the day helping our client at the 50 Bikes for 50 Kids event. 50 deserving kids team with volunteers to build brand new bikes. What a great client and a great way to celebrate MLK Jr day. #50bikes2018 #volunteerism
When you have 15 seconds in an elevator to capture someone's attention with a message, but can't use sound...how do you do it? This is what Me Comm did for their client the Colon Cancer Alliance. If you ride in an elevator this March with a video monitor...look for it! Then, take our advice and get screened!
Check out the recent video produced for Me Comm's client, The Grove Total Tree Care. For any of our Sacramento area friends, if you're looking for a reliable tree care company, The Grove is the one for you!
Me Comm's client, the Colon Cancer Alliance rang the closing bell today at NASDAQ to ring in Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Congratulations on a making such a great impact on the fight against Colon Cancer!
It's hard to find good office help these days...
Me Comm's office assistant helps with the paperwork