I'm booking for the end of the year and beyond. Window painting, painting painting, shop help, decorating, commissions, personal assistant, anything. My books are free right now. Let's change that!!
Magic!!! It's all a bunch of hocus pocus. Who's the fairest one of all? Tell me your favorite Disney villain?
#hocuspocus #magic #disney #snowwhite #evilwitch #mirrormirroronthewall #whosthefairestoneofall #magicmirror #coffee #loveit
Heres the first of eight creations. I'm going with four different themes for my giveaways. So if this isn't your cup of tea that's ok!! There will be others(not tea)! For one lucky winner this will be yours!! IF I GET 500 LIKES OR FOLLOWS by Halloween!! Every 500 I'll pick a winner!! Share with your friends! Tell everyone two chances to win with fb and ig. Pictures in the comments!#giveaway #athousandwordstudio #creepy #teatime #wereallmadedownhere #madhatter #halloween #spooky #mua #sfxmakeup #sfx #props #followmypage #customorders #forsale #contactme #propmaker #gross #spiders #teacup #roaches #maggots #blood #hauntedhouse #fake #imakethecreaturesthatgobumpinthenight #aliceinwonderland #greatadditiontoyourcostume #onlyfourintheworld #handmade #byme #getyoursnow
I was asked not too long after @ellimacssfx #medusa went viral if I could make my own version, so of course I took the #challenge and I'm pretty darn happy with how it turned out! Thank you #ellimacssfx for always being such a huge an inspiration and someone to look up to. Pics in the comments of still shot and side by side of her work and my work.
#sfx #prop #accessory #completelook #morethanamakeupartist #medusaphotoshoot #yesicanmakethat #reellimacs #inspo #blackandgold #snakes #medusaheadpiece #athousandwordstudio
MY BIG NEWS!!!! SUPER STOKED!!! #aftershock #aftershockfestival #aftershock2019 #facepaint #facepainter #mua # #bodypaint #bodyglitter #glitter #haircolor #glittersprays #athousandwordstudio #morethanamakeupartist #98rock #sacs98rock #thatdamnmakeupartist #noitwontbefree #butitsworthit #thisismyjob #mylandlordwonttakemyexposurepayment #itried #payusweemakeyoulookprettier #itsworthit #spreadlove
we need to talk and my big announcement
A lot on my mind and the big news I wanted to share.I kept it short. I'd be happy to elaborate if anyone wants more info on all the work that goes into things. I'm done with exposure. And sometimes I dont even get that!! It's not paying my Bill's, idk why!??!? I've tried. I'm taking a stand cause this is important!! Not just for me! For all artist and our future!
Working hard this week for a #photoshoot tomorrow!!! Its gonna be amazing!!! Cant wait to share all the #hardwork I've put into this!! Told you there was great things coming!! #officallyinbusiness #morethananmua #athousandwordstudio #mua #costumes #fairies #nymph #mythologicalcreatures #magic #tistheseason #halloween #photog #photosession #publishedmua #international
Yesterday at the #latinofestival!! Check out this sweet #sugarskull I #painted!!! #athousandwordstudio #professional #fabpaint #faceandbodypaint #fab #facepaint #morethananmua #mua #fallfestivals #diadelosmuertos #dayofthedead #calivera #sacramentoartist #sacramentoproud #sacramento #sacramento365 #idoitforthekids
Still working on magical things. #magic #magical #journal #distressing #thanks #jimholtz #hopeimakeyouproud #escaperoom #setdesign #props #itsallinthedetails #nofilterneeded
My latest work!! #monsterhighmakeover #monsterhigh #mattel #mermaid #mermaidcrown #glitter #sparkle #remake #reuse #glitter #bling
Walk around of my work so happy with how it's coming out!!