The Original Sweet Alice
The picture you see there? That’s my original sweet Alice, our amazing daughter. Born in 2012, she was a different little duck from the get go. Whatever she was learning, she became obsessed with it. When she was learning to roll over, to crawl, to walk, to talk, she would spend hours in the middle of the night practicing in her crib. Needless to say, when she went through learning spurts, neither one of us got much sleep. I remember countless nights sitting in the white rocker in her room trying to nurse her back to sleep, oftentimes to no avail. By the time she was three, it was apparent that Alice was on the autism spectrum, and that she would need a little extra help in learning to manage in the world. She walks and she talks, and in many ways she’s like any other kid. But she also struggles, and she feels deeply, and sometimes life overwhelms her. It overwhelms her because, at 6 years old, she’s already considering the impact her decisions will have on her family, friends, animals, and the world. And she desperately wants to be one of the “good guys”.
Having Alice changed my life in so many ways. I became hyper aware of the long term impact of every choice I made, from what kind of diapers I chose to what kind of car I drove. I started making choices with her future, and the future of her potential children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in mind. I found myself wanting to be the kind of human being she could admire, the kind who worked to make the world a better place, not just for my family, but for every family. In short, she super-charged my desire to be one of the “good guys”. This may not seem like the origin story of a flower shop, but it is.
Sweet Alice is the physical manifestation of my dreams, for myself, my daughter, my family, my community, and my world. With everything I do, I think about the environmental, social and economic impact of my decisions. I look at the consequences, in the near, mid, and long term. I learn everything I can about my industry, its practices, and how I can help further my deeply held values. I learn about related issues, whether it be fair wages, green building, landfill management, composting, CO2 and methane capture, or herbicide and pesticide use. I promise I’ll continue learning, every day, and share what I’ve learned with all of you.
I’m so blessed to have the original sweet Alice as my daughter, to have a spouse, family, and friends who back me 100%, to have a team at the shop that shares my values, and to have the amazing customers we have. Please join us on the journey, and help Sweet Alice make the world a more blooming beautiful place to be.