Water Wednesday!!
Pro tip: take the day off and have a Merry Christmas!
Last chance to order for delivery!! I will be going for deliveries at 3 this afternoon, so if you need something delivered, call me 717-414-0276.
The shop will be open 10-3 today and 10-12 tomorrow. No deliveries tomorrow! Pick up only.
Water Wednesday!
Monstera Thai Constellation
💡 indirect bright light. Keep me out of direct sun
💦 allow to dry out 2/3 of the soil before watering
🐶 I am not pet friendly if your pets eat me, I will give them a tummy ache in return
#waterwednesday #plantcare #thaiconstellationmonstera #supportsmallbusiness
Thirsty Thursday instead of Water Wednesday!
Poinsettias Pointers:
💦 keep moist and remove from any foil liners
💡 indirect light is ok
✅ keep away from drafts, hot or cold
#poinsettiacare #waterwednesday #thirstythursday #christmasflowers
You have to come smell these candles!! Locally made in small batches by @evergreen.haven.farmhouse
Christmas scents include;
Vanilla mint
Egg nog
Christmas Cottage
Christmas Cookie
Vanilla Latte
Peppermint Mocha (my favorite!)
#shopsmall #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #handpouredcandles
Another idea for your Thanksgiving host/hostess!
Purchase with cider or buy your own bottle of wine!
#hostessgifts #flowersforthehostess #wineflowers
Water Wednesday!!
How to care for your live Christmas plants!
💦 weekly or as often as needed to stay moist
☀️ keep out of direct sun but give lots of indirect light
🌡️ keep them inside until spring and then take them to the great outdoors!
#waterwednesday #christmastrees #frostyfern #minicypress
Water Wednesday!!
Wedding season is done and I am back!
This week: Don’t let your plants stressing over weather changes stress you out too!
Trim them back. Get rid of any parts that are draining the energy from your plant. Then keep caring for it as usual. It will snap back!
I loved the pressed flower trend of preserving wedding bouquets! However, I just don’t have the time or the patience for that! I will leave the up to @crimsoncloverflowerfarm because she is so good at it.
But, I can naturally dry your bouquet and arrange it in a box frame for you to hang on your wall.
These are short clips of the process.
Would you dry and box your flowers??
I had the privilege of meeting and talking florist work with an event planning class from Big Springs School. What a great bunch of kids! It ALMOST made me miss teaching 😉
Then yesterday I got surprise mail with a bunch of handwritten thank you notes. Such a blessing to do what I do!
Busy, busy wedding week with 3 weddings; but I still make time for your special deliveries!