Since I first started giving guitar lessons in 2007, I’ve had quite a few exceptional students of all ages. Some that have gone on to pursue careers involving guitar and music and some students that just take pleasure in learning and playing guitar as a relaxing outlet.
Nolan first started taking lessons from me about a year and a half ago and was interested in learning classical/nylon string acoustic guitar. After about 3-4 months of nylon guitar, we started phasing in some steel string acoustic guitar once I learned his interest was more Rock, Alternative Rock, and Metal. As time went by, we decided to try some electric guitar songs as well and we found Nolan’s calling. Since then, Nolan has progressed rapidly to the point where he’s able to play by ear, play guitar solos, and more and more shifting to a self directed learning process.
With the styles of guitar music Nolan is in to, alternate guitar tunings are the norm. He keeps me on my toes with different setups for his floyd rose and strat guitars that need different alternate tunings for new songs he’s learning and I’m always happy to accommodate. Great seeing Nolan and students like him taking off and making playing guitar a reality and not just a dream.
Video in the comments below of Nolan and I in my lesson studio playing a bit of a classic song for you all.✌️