Many may not know that Pura Vida blossomed as a result of a very special woman, my sister-in-law, Bombón Blackwell. My gorgeous friend gave me a tour of Costa Rica that was like no other. She introduced me to Pura Vida or Pure Life.
When I decided to create this business, I asked her what did Pura Vida mean to her and she gave me quite a bit to work with, but today I'll share with you this portion. She said, "Pura Vida you use when everything is going right or when everything is going wrong."
So much about saying goodbye to her has felt so wrong and has been a true struggle because there have been so many moments in my life that have felt so right because she was here.
She told me Pura Vida means "what you focus on expands", "live simple". "Pura Vida is good and Pura Vida is when you're more than good."
I'll try to do my very best to do that for her- focus on our good times and allow that to expand through my love for my brother Shawn Blackwell and their children. Leaning on Jehovah's help, until we meet again and things can be "more than good"...
I know you told me that "flowers make everything better", but having you here would mean so much more!
I love you, Joyce! PURA VIDA