AstrologÍa + Alquemía en el Papyri Griega Mágica w/ Jorge Quinones & Julie K
Cómo vieron las estrellas Socrates y Pitágoras?
Qué querían decir al asimilar los dioses a los planetas?
Puede que no sea así como vemos la astrología hoy!
Le invitamos a exploramos el mundo antiguo de la astrología, la alquimia, los cristales helénicos y cómo se usan en los hechizos.
The goal of the Academy of Logic and Light is to empower the community.
Magic and healing should be accessible for anyone regardless of income or status. We host teachers of specific trades and create a safe space to offer different modalities. Our goal is to support and foster the community with service projects, groups, and education.
We are a gathering of peers. We function as equals without hierarchy but there is a foundational structure to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
The goal is that the students are the teachers and the teachers are students and that this academy is affordable for everyone.
As above, so below.
For more information about the academy, its ethics, or transparency, please check out:
Astrology Live with Julie + Elle: First House + Aries
oin the Academy of Logic and Light Meetup for our 51st Astrology Livestream!
It's been awhile since we've been live and we are back! If you haven't caught our previous 50 FREE classes on YouTube, check them out here:
Free Astrology Classes
This class we will be covering everything you need to know about the first house and Aries. This is a good class for beginners and anyone wanting to expand their astrology knowledge. Julie and Elle are down to earth and raw with their vocabulary. So if you like spicy astrology, this class is for you. It's a fun live class where you can engage with the teachers and peers.
An Introduction to Mother Goddess Hekate with Jorge Andrade
Who was she to the Emperors of Rome and the priests of the temples in the Greaco-Roman world?
How was she worshipped and honored before the Christian world?
We will explore the great Matrona from an academic and rational perspective. This talk is an introduction to possible daily worship, mediumship and magical work.
Open Forum Talk with Q & A
Live: Crystal Series - Cultural History and Amethyst
Join the Academy of Logic and Light for our new Monday night Crystal Series. In this fascinating class Kat will be discussing the Crystal Amethyst, it's properties, and it's connection to Cultural History.