Reminder! Reminder! Reminder!
This is one I have to give myself often (daily) and one I am constantly reiterating to my clients.
This life takes time. This industry takes time. Your skills take time. Your goals take time. When you hit your next goal you’ll immediately set a new one. Life is a constant movement, sometimes linear sometimes laced with pivots. And how beautiful is that? Some goals we may never hit, some we’ll achieve quicker than we think, some we haven’t dreamt of yet, some that we’ll put our blood sweat and tears into, some we’ll throw in the trash, some we’ll make ourselves so proud over.
So are you celebrating along the way? Are you setting markers to be proud of along the journey? Are you having fun? Are you letting yourself experiment? Are you letting yourself fail? Are you finding joy in each unexpected turn?
Sometimes it’s going to take hours, days, weeks, months, years. Each are beautiful and worth celebrating in their own right. Baby steps every minute! Everyone else is feeling the same way you are! Everyone else is wondering how someone else got their “big break”! Everyone else has someone they look up to! You’re doing amazing by moving one foot in front of the other. Okay, those are the thoughts this Thursday I love you bye.
P.S. We have three spots open for our Three Month Coaching container. I’m so obsessed with this new program - I’ve worked with women starting new businesses, pivoting their current one, making a full time business a hobby again, making a hobby a full time business, and so on. It’s been the most expansive and diverse set of humans and goals and I’d love to see you in there 🦋 shoot me a lil DM if this piques your interest and let’s chat!