Starting as a small garage haunted house nearly ten years ago, we the Gonzalez family enjoy bringing a little terror to our neighborhood every Halloween night. However the love for the Holiday was still alive, another option came in to play for the Gonzalez Family. The idea was to cover the walls of a garage, add some strobe lights, a store bought sound effects CD, and dress up the older of the G
onzalez cousins who have out grown childish candy tradition part to scare the incoming Trick-orTtreaters. Our family built Haunted House has slowly grown over the years and has not only become a tradition for our family but also for families around our neighborhood who make it part of their night routine every year(WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR YEARS OF SUPPORT). Because the location is...well...our house we can't have a charge for people to enter, which means lucky for our patrons its 100% FREE but donations are greatly appreciated. As always your donations go towards buying materials and props for next years event. Every year we try to step it up and make it better as much as we can, and hopefully within a few years we could move from our house to an actual location.