Congratulations to Lucero Saldana for answering our Music Academy Trivia! She is going to see Los Tucanes De Tijuana at the Majestic & Empire Theatres on Friday, September 6. For tickets, visit: https://www.majesticempire.com/events/los-tucanes-de-tijauna/
The answer to the trivia question was:
Guadalupe Academy accordion instructor Aaron Salinas learned accordion from his teacher Lorenzo Martinez, who was taught by Santiago Jimenez, Sr as a young 9- or 10-year-old at Conjunto Heritage Taller. These lessons Aaron shares with the students at the Guadalupe Academy are a direct reflection of Jimenez, Sr. Fast forward, both Aaron and Santiago Jimenez, Jr. are both teaching the next generation of 8, 9 and 10 years and even 60-year-olds who want to talk up accordion classes at the Guadalupe.
If you want to sign up your student or yourself to attend the Mariachi Academy next week or to learn more, please visit: https://guadalupeculturalarts.org/classes/music-academy/.