Here’s how you’re going to make a fortune by going full-send on the in 2025. You’re finally going to commit to pricing Toffee roses correctly. It’s sick, sad, and scary. But you’re doing it. Are you ready?
Toffee roses might look like a crumpled-up lunch bag or a discarded public school paper towel to you, but they’re actually among the most expensive flowers in the world. They’re unique, they’re unexpected, and they have this super charming double swirl. They’re also massive, long-lasting, and look like deerskin as they age. Pantone has given us a green light to capitalize on the most expensive color a rose can be, so let’s seize the opportunity by pricing according to industry standards, and NOT our personal feelings.
This year you’re going to be brave enough to charge the appropriate price on every Toffee rose that passes through your hands. That’s right, we’re talking a whopping 4x markup on what you paid per stem wholesale. Depending on where you live, that could amount to charging customers $10-$12 per rose. That’s PER ROSE, folks! And you’re going to stick to that price with a fury. You’re not going to lower it because, in your mind, it’s crazy to pay $12 for one rose. NOPE. You might just add another dollar on top, just because this trend is now our very, very good money-making friend.
If you’re a designer known for color work, your phone is about to ring off the hook with requests. This is your chance to prove yourself! Prove that you can make brown flowers look fu**in slick, prove that you aren’t afraid to price like a pro, prove that fancy-ass customers do exist, and prove that stylish people love the color brown (we do).
I know you’ll also prove that you belong here: a world where silly trends earn big bucks and your work is the heat of the moment. THAT is your color of the year, baby. Are you brave enough for a full-send on cash earnings? You very much are.
Now make me proud by stealing this simple Toffee rose design and slapping a big fat brown price tag on it. Go! I believe in you.