Hey guys! Lindsay here 👋🏽 it’s been awhile! I have been super busy with a lot of very exciting things! I had a baby, moved to Arizona and (insert drum roll 🥁🥁) sold Sweet Digs! Our new fearless leader is my amazing friend Celestine! You may have noticed our content looks very legit these days and that’s in large part to her. She’s smart, fun, creative and so so passionate about the future of this company. I had interviewed a ton of potential owners but knew Celeste was a perfect match from the second I met her. Please continue to support her and this sweet small business as she gets settled. She’s going to do amazing things. ❤️
As for me, thank you all for your love over the last 6 years. Starting Sweet Digs was one of the best experiences of my life and I will miss it and you dearly. But I’m off to go focus on my sweet baby girl and start a new chapter!! 🌟🌟