OK. We all think we’re being watched 🔭and listened to. We are. I stopped by our Condo handyman’s workplace to ask where he thinks I can get my antifreeze/coolent checked, because our temps are gonna be going way down,🥶and he said he thinks our local JiffyLube will check it out. I said “Oh yeah,Jiffy Lube” of course. After chit/chatting a bit he said “pop open the hood, let’s have a looksee”. It turned out I was good to go.👍🏼I thanked him and went on my way. Two hours later when I checked my phone, a large text ad for JIFFY L**E popped up right away. Explaination? Anyone? I havn’t said that name 🫢since this past summer when I was looking for a place for oil changes near where I moved to. Hhmmmmm 🤔🤷🏼