Santa Clause is coming to Placerville!! 🎅🏼🎄
Join me at Frosty Fir Tree Farm on November 30th for a day of holiday cheer!
While you’re there, enjoy a day filled with Santa photos, hot cocoa, Christmas tree picking and shopping small business’!!
Can’t wait to see you there!! 🎄🎅🏼 🎉
#santaphotos #christmastreeshopping #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #christmastreefarm #eldoradocounty #placercounty #sacramentocounty #familyphotographer #christmastreefarm
Real messages from real people. 🔔✨
You and your kind words make my heart so full. Every time I receive a message like this - know you put a smile on my face and warmed my heart. 🥹🥰
I am so blessed to be able to do something I love and to bring joy to so many others while doing it.
Seriously, from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU for allowing me the opportunity to document all of your greatest moments in life. I am so blessed to be a fly on your wall and celebrate life’s best things with you!! ♥️ 🥹🎉
My studio is now completely wheelchair accessible and I couldn’t be more stoked!! 🥹✨
For those of you who have been following along for a while - you know my sister is quadriplegic and has cerebral palsy.
Taking photos of her while we were growing up is one of the reasons I fell in love with photography… and we still do an annual photoshoot day every year. 👯♀️✨
Today, for the first time ever, she didn’t need to be carried into the studio. Now that we have our ADA walkway, she was able to roll right in the for the first time ever.
I can’t wait to get the rest of the photos and behind the scenes videos posted for you guys! She’s so beautiful! 🥹🩵
#ada #sister #photographer #quadriplegia #cerebralpalsy #specialneedsphotographer #folsomphotographer #rosevillephotographer #sacramentophotographer
Supportive husband alert‼️🚨♥️
You guys, what was literally just a dream of mine not even a month and a half ago was put into action and made to fruition in less than a month flat between my wonderful husband and the sweetest neighbor of ours. 🥹
Every single day, these two were outside working on something! Whether it was yanking out trees, rebuilding a gate/fence, or leveling and prepping for concrete - they were getting it. It didn’t matter if they had a tough day, it was pouring rain or after dark - they were out there.
Honestly, I wish I had more photos and videos of them working through it all because it was downright impressive and this short video simply does not do all their dedication and hard work justice. I am so unbelievably grateful for them and the support, love and determination they showed through it all.
Long gone are the days where clients have to walk through our home to get to the back studio or wheelchairs need to be carried down the steps!!
I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for my studio walkway/entrance to be used by people with all types of abilities and needs SO SOON. 🥹😭
#dreams #dreamcometrue #accessible #ada #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #inclusive #studiophotography #studiophotographer #inhomestudio #supportivehusband #ilovehim #placercounty #sacramentocounty #eldoradocounty #rosevillephotographer #rocklinphotographer #granitebayphotographer #folsomphotographer #sacramentophotographer
✨ T H I R T Y • O N E & thriving ✨
This is a repost of a video I posted last year for her thirtieth. But wanted to share again for her birthday this year.
For those of you that don’t know, my sister is quadriplegic, has been wheelchair bound since birth, has cerebral palsy and a heavy speech impediment.
Growing up, our sibling dynamic isn’t like most… but one thing that always made us feel like “normal” siblings and provided so much fun for us was taking pictures.
I would get her dressed up and put makeup on her and then we would use little boxed cameras to freeze those moments of “normalcy”.
My sister loved getting dolled up and posing for the camera and I loved being creative and getting her dressed up. It was the perfect combination and truly one of the reasons that I fell in love with photography in the first place.
Fast forward to now - regardless of age and distance, we still have our moments of normalcy. ♥️
She comes over, I get her dolled up and we document some special moments together. Because E V E R Y O N E deserves to feel special. ♥️
#cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsyawareness #quadriplegic #quadriplegicawareness #wheelchairbound #wheelchairgirl #disabilityawareness #cpwarrior #disabilityphotography #wheelchairphotographer #inclusivephotographer
Baby boy coming so soon!!
#sneakpeek #familyphotographer #maternityphotographer #childphotographer #sunset #bluehourphotography #folsomphotographer #granitebayphotographer T
It’s so simple ✨
You ready for the secret? Here it is:
Step 1: gather your loved ones.
Step 2: find a pretty location.
Step 3: And just love on one another!
“So much planning”, “I don’t know what to wear”, “my kids won’t cooperate”, “I don’t look my best right now”. These are all common things that are said or thought about when people think about family photoshoots.
But here’s the thing, that’s NOT what family sessions are all about. Family photoshoots are so much more than just posed, picture perfect images, with your picture perfect family.
Sure, location and wardrobe are both contributing factors and you should feel like you look your best… But overall, what makes your images beautiful is the *moments* that you share with the ones you love.
You can have the beautiful outfits and the most perfect smiles… But, if the session isn’t *fun* due to all the stress to make it *perfect*…then that’s all you’ll remember.
✨ Gorgeous photos are made of beautiful moments that turn in to unforgettable memories. ✨
So, grab your loved ones and have some fun! Let the kiddos play, hug your babies, cuddle your spouse…. But most of all, don’t just take photos… Make memories!♥️
#familyphotography #familyphotographer #childphotography #childphotographer #rosevillephotographer #sacramentophotographer #rocklinphotographer #granitebayphotographer #folsomphotographer #placercounty #eldoradocounty #sacramentocounty #folsomlake #twins #twinphotography #lakephotography #californiaphotographer #norcalphotographer #memories #sneakpeek
Comin’ to a Cal Fire station near you - 2041 🔥🚒Introducing the newest #calfire baby. ♥️ •. •. •. #newborn #newbornphotography #calfirebaby #baby #fire #firefighter #firefighterbaby #firefighterlife #love #norcal #californiafirefighter #studiophotography #rosevillephotographer #rocklinphotographer #granitebayphotographer #folsomphotographer #sacramentophotographer
Just some before and afters - our family vacation addition. 🌴✨ #familyphotography #childphotography #photographer #mauihawaii
30 and thriving 💖 •. This is my sister - she is quadriplegic, has a speech impediment and has cerebral palsy. This day, we got her all dolled up and celebrated her 30 years on this earth by popping some champagne and making some memorable moments together. 💜 🥹 📸 •. Side note, that’s my husband pushing her up the ramp and giving her some champagne sips and his sweetness towards her makes my heart so full. I am truly blessed with the best family and loved ones 💜. #disability #cerebralpalsy #quadriplegic #30 #30andfabulous #30andthriving #rosevillephotographer #love #sister #myheart #husband #thirty #celebrateyourself #studiophotography #portraitphotographer
Your whole heart in one place ♥️• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Large family sessions are so much more than just getting the extended family together to take photos. It tells a story of where it all started and how life has evolved to where you it is now. Because with out that first love, there would be nothing. Everything that has come from it is absolutely beautiful and something to be proud of. It deserves to be captured, held on to and shared for years to come.♥️ #largeformatphotography #storytelling #storytellingphotography #generations #family #familyphotography #extendedfamily #familyphotography #familyphotographer #childphotographer #childphotography #rosevillephotographer #folsomphotographer