SLO County Event Coalition

SLO County Event Coalition A group of local event vendors, creating a hub for information on current local efforts to safely re

FINALLY!!!NEW: Official CDPH Industry Guidance, released April 14, 2021 and to be put into effect as of April 15, 2021.h...


NEW: Official CDPH Industry Guidance, released April 14, 2021 and to be put into effect as of April 15, 2021.

Here we go! Industry Guidance is here and goes in effect tomorrow, April 15th.

Here we go! Industry Guidance is here and goes in effect tomorrow, April 15th.

It’s been a long time in the making, but the Private Event Industry Guidance is now here!

Head to:

to view the operating protocols. Mark your calendars to join our Clubhouse Chat on Friday at 9am for a Q&A. Email [email protected] for any questions we can address for you!

Time to Party!!!


Current Blueprint for CA Activity, with reference to current & as of 4/15/2021. Please note, SLO County is still in Red Tier (2) at this time.

More FAQ's & Guidelines coming (we hope) by 4/15/2021

Page 2 has the sections for Private Events **
Required mitigation measures:
- Purchased tickets or defined guest list
- Seating chart/Assigned seating
- Testing and vaccination can increase capacity
- No intermingling of multiple private events

IN THE RED TIER: Effective April 15, 2021
• Maximum of 50 people
• If all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination: Max 200

• If all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination: Max 100

Looking forward to receiving & reviewing guidelines as soon as they come out.  CAPE - California Association for Private...

Looking forward to receiving & reviewing guidelines as soon as they come out. CAPE - California Association for Private Events members... Be sure to tune in for details for this Clubhouse.

Operating guidance is on its way! We have a call with CDPH today to review what is coming down the pipeline. While we are not at liberty to discuss the guidance until it is posted to the public, we will be having a clubhouse Q&A on Friday (time TBD) to go through your questions. Stay tuned!

We are still waiting for the much anticipated state guidelines for private events.  While you wait, be sure to offer you...

We are still waiting for the much anticipated state guidelines for private events. While you wait, be sure to offer your story, your input and share with others...

Yes we know everyone wants the new guidelines. They have not been released yet. We are hopeful that they will be today but the state may wait till tomorrow. While we wait, here are some great things to do with all that anxious energy! Head on over to our website. Take the survey, sign up to get our newsletter, send letters to government and share our efforts! We are stronger together. Don’t worry as soon as the Private Events Guidelines are released we will share them!!

Great news for Maine And this is why we are working to gather all of you as participants in our conversations with SLOCE...

Great news for Maine

And this is why we are working to gather all of you as participants in our conversations with SLOCEC & really hoping that you will become members with CAPE - California Association for Private Events. The more we are the mightier we are.


And... we are not done yet! No where near done!

We need your help! Reach out to your local State Assembly Member or Senator. Tell them you know guidelines for the Private Event Industry are circulating and ask them to support our request to re-open under already approved guidelines!


For the past 6 months, CA was only state banning private events and gatherings, forcing this activity underground and into private homes. In the past month states like NY, NJ, CT, CO, and Mass have significantly loosened restrictions.

Meanwhile we have been meeting with CDPH with NO GUIDANCE, NO RESPONSE, NO MOVEMENT.

It is time to follow the lead of the other 49 states and allow us to reopen safely according to industry best practices. It is not fair to our clients, our employees, and business owners to continue to lag so far behind.

Do you follow Meghan Ely of OFD Consulting?  In her latest email she referred to and shared another wonderful resource. ...

Do you follow Meghan Ely of OFD Consulting? In her latest email she referred to and shared another wonderful resource.

The US Small Business Administration is offering a series for the Wedding Industry, "Wedding Industry’s Road to Recovery & Rebuilding". It will be a 5-week program really well outlined, use the link below...

Week 1 – Mon, March 1 | 11 AM • 45 min – Renee Sabo – Side Hustles for Wedding Pros • 15 min – Live Q&A w/ Renee • 20 min – Closing: SBA resources (SVOG – Adam Johns & Sara Davis) • 10 min – Live Q&A w/ SBA Week 2 – Mon, March 8 | 11 AM • 45 min – Bron Hansboro – Stop L...

This is getting real & exciting!!!

This is getting real & exciting!!!

This just in!!! CDPH is having an internal meeting on Friday to specifically discuss guidelines for our industry and hopes to have guidelines issued by the end of the month!!! We will share more updates as we have them. (They typo’d Jan v Feb in their email which has since been clarified)


People are making extraordinary accommodations to be safe, this celebration was scaled down to 13 people, with all functions outdoors, and minimal outsiders (vendors).

Weddings and celebrations CAN be done safely during these times, as they exhibited, but are still being called out by the media for political reasons.

CAPE - California Association for Private Events
California Events Coalition

CATERERS!  Have you seen this? Be sure to click the link to be in contact with your/our legislators.   CAPE - California...

CATERERS! Have you seen this?

Be sure to click the link to be in contact with your/our legislators.

CAPE - California Association for Private Events

Reach out to your representatives and get this passed so the CA tax codes mirrors the Federal code and allows you to ded...

Reach out to your representatives and get this passed so the CA tax codes mirrors the Federal code and allows you to deduct any expenses paid in 2020 with PPP funds!

Legislation has been introduced (AB 281) that declares the intent to conform California law to the federal law allowing the deduction of expenses paid with forgiven PPP debt. The author of the bill is Assemblywoman Autumn Burke, the chair of the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. She is also t...


Thank you American Rental Association. Proud to share the efforts that more industries, local & nationwide are taking. We need to communicate with Local, State & National authorities with as much strength as possible.
Feb. 07, 2021
The American Rental Association (ARA) recently sent a letter to Brian Deese, director of the White House’s National Economic Council, who is leading President Biden’s effort to pass the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act.

ARA is proposing a new program of long-term, low-interest capital loans for small businesses that continue to experience significant economic losses due to the pandemic. Click (below) to read the letter. ARA also is working with members of Congress on this proposal.

“We know that ARA members, especially those in the event rental segment, need more financial assistance and we are doing everything we can to influence Congress and the Administration to get them that help,” said John McClelland, ARA vice president for government affairs and chief economist."

Thank you Steven Herring for sharing.

CAPE - California Association for Private Events

Atascadero Chamber Templeton Chamber of Commerce
Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce SLO CAL


Are you watching for updates from CAPE - California Association for Private Events? Be sure to follow their page, sign up for their emails and best yet, become part of the solution and become a member.

Keeping our couples, our coworkers and associates aware... we need to    Please post this to your social medias, share i...

Keeping our couples, our coworkers and associates aware... we need to

Please post this to your social medias, share in your e-blasts and remind everyone that we can be safe and proactive and open now.

And.. It sounds like CAPE - California Association for Private Events has some big news this week from and Orange County Mayor, can't wait to hear!


We can't do this without you! We've hired a lobbyist to act on behalf of our beloved industry, but without your signature we may not see guidelines in all of 2021. Sign up now and let California know you are essential! link in bio.

This is so important!  Your SLOCEC team is working on guidelines so when we get any sort of go-ahead, we will be ready! ...

This is so important! Your SLOCEC team is working on guidelines so when we get any sort of go-ahead, we will be ready!

Do you have input? Now, after reading them? Please let us know.


The pandemic's impact on our industry is far from over. Every day that goes by, another wedding and event professional closes down forever. For everyone else, the future is uncertain. That's why we need industry guidelines now.

Here’s looking at you California! Step up to the plate!

Get involved, follow the link in our bio.

Have you shared your voice?  Sign this petition, one more way to be heard!   CAPE - California Association for Private E...

Have you shared your voice? Sign this petition, one more way to be heard!

CAPE - California Association for Private Events

Events have been prohibited since March 2020. Over 50 industries have guidance and/or have been allowed to reopen safely in CA. The events industry has received neither. Enough is enough. We deserve recognition. We NEED guidelines NOW. We NEED to be a recognized industry in the reopening plans.


Communicate + connect
Encourage safety + best practices
Advocate for event businesses

Welcome! We noticed we have many new Likes & Followers so we want to re-introduce ourselves. We are the SLO County Event Coalition and these are our goals.

We are also the Central Coast regional voice for CAPE - California Association for Private Events an association advocating for Private Events in California by being a voice and working with a Lobbyist to help get our voice heard. (PLEASE Join their membership today to help fund these efforts.)


We are moving forward,
see comments below...

FYI - This conversation is about a much larger spectrum of events than we are working towards.  However! These are still...

FYI - This conversation is about a much larger spectrum of events than we are working towards. However! These are still event conversations worth listening too.

The Live Events Coalition and The Vendry invite you to join industry professionals as they engage in real-talk, share lessons learned from 2020 and insights for future. Panelists will discuss event trends, where they find inspiration, how to maintain optimism, pivoting in 2021, and what it means to be a successful pro in this ever-changing climate.
We'll hear from Frank Supovitz, President of Fast Traffic Events & Entertainment and former senior NFL & NHL events executive, Deborah Lesser, Principal of Atelier Events, Egypt Graham, Owner & Chief Event Officer of Planning 2 Perfection, and moderated by Melva LaJoy Jones, Founder of LaJoy Plans.
Reserve your spot

Did you know? Do your fellow vendors know? Do your clients know? Share the discrepancies of California guidelines,  shar...

Did you know?

Do your fellow vendors know?

Do your clients know?

Share the discrepancies of California guidelines, share your voice and your stories.

Did you know California is the only state to not release ANY reopening guidance for the private event/wedding industry?

Find out more about how you can be involved in our fight to align with the restaurant industry while we await full industry guidance. Link in bio.

Are you on "The Call"???  Join ASAP to get all the good info... Meeting ID: 914 1391 3335Passcode: 672727Find your local...

Are you on "The Call"??? Join ASAP to get all the good info...

Meeting ID: 914 1391 3335
Passcode: 672727
Find your local number:

Learn more about CAPE and connect with our Board and Industry Regional Leaders. We’ll be holding our first Town Hall on January 14, 2021 at 11am PT. We’ll be discussing the current industry situation, CAPE’s efforts, recapping our Save Weddings Now Campaign and what the launch of the new State...

A few reminders from our friends at CAPE - California Association for Private Events :Find out more about the organizati...

A few reminders from our friends at CAPE - California Association for Private Events :

Find out more about the organization aiming to get the private event industry on California's blueprint to re-open!

Sign the Save Weddings Now Petition

REMEMBER to Join the town hall on January 14th, 11:00am PST. (See pinned post for the link for RSVP)

Events have been prohibited since March 2020. Over 50 industries have guidance and/or have been allowed to reopen safely in CA. The events industry has received neither. Enough is enough. We deserve recognition. We NEED guidelines NOW. We NEED to be a recognized industry in the reopening plans.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Thursday, January 14 @ 11aCAPE - California Association for Private Events is hosting Town Hall Meet...

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Thursday, January 14 @ 11a

CAPE - California Association for Private Events is hosting Town Hall Meeting so we may learn more about their efforts, accomplishments & hear from their/our Lobbyist.

Follow this link to register...

Learn more about CAPE and connect with our Board and Industry Regional Leaders. We’ll be holding our first Town Hall on January 14, 2021 at 11am PT. We’ll be discussing the current industry situation, CAPE’s efforts, recapping our Save Weddings Now Campaign and what the launch of the new State...

Have you shared your story?    is today but this is an ongoing effort.  CAPE wants to hear your story!  Do you have a cl...

Have you shared your story? is today but this is an ongoing effort. CAPE wants to hear your story! Do you have a client that would we open to sharing their story? We want the World but mostly our State Elected Officials to hear all the stories.


Current guidelines in forget the event industry - this impacts clients, vendors, and employees. Join our fight!

TOMORROW! Register for this free ZOOM with CAPE - California Association for Private Events Join the cause and become on...

TOMORROW! Register for this free ZOOM with CAPE - California Association for Private Events

Join the cause and become one VOICE with CAPE!
California Association for Private Events (CAPE) is fighting to save the private events industry in California. Our industry has been completely neglected at the state level for consideration in the re-opening blueprint. Time and time again, we are hearing from all counties that they do not see us listed anywhere in the state's blueprint and therefore cannot approve us to re-open at any capacity.
Please join us to learn how you too can support the fight to preserve our future along with all the incredible people who depend on us to provide work. Our couples are frustrated and we have the right to make sure their voices are heard as well.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

California Association of Private Events

Wow! What a fantastic response- love the power of all your voices! This is important to note: If you are a member of the...

Wow! What a fantastic response- love the power of all your voices!

This is important to note: If you are a member of the Event Industry and have requested to join our Internal Page, PLEASE be sure to answer ALL 3 questions required when requesting to join. If all 3 are not answered, you will not be approved. Because this needs to be a safe space to ask questions, etc. it is imperative to us that all voices are members of the industry and understand our guidelines for posting.

Thank you to Megan Healy of KSBY for getting our mission out and starting the community discussion!

Thank you to Megan Healy of KSBY for getting our mission out and starting the community discussion!

Not only is the San Luis Obispo County Event Coalition calling on industry workers to follow best practices, but also asking state leaders to provide them.

California is the ONLY state in the United States without any guidelines for private events? We discuss this and so much...

California is the ONLY state in the United States without any guidelines for private events?

We discuss this and so much more tonight on KSBY. Tune in and learn more about our mission and how we can do this together!



San Luis Obispo, CA


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when SLO County Event Coalition posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

