Very much looking forward to capturing another wonderful Central Coast Gilbert and Sullivan production! This show has beautiful music and the cast is fantastic!
Performance Dates are this weekend: June 15th and 16th at 3pm. Purchase your ticket online today!
The performance this year is Gilbert and Sullivan’s beautiful opera The Yeomen of the Guard. This is the most serious of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operas. The Yeomen of the Guard, is set in the Tower of London during the reign of Henry VIII and has some of the most beautiful music that Sullivan ever composed. It is the only Gilbert and Sullivan with a sad ending, but still has many delightful moments of comedy and joy. Don’t miss the chance to sing this wonderful piece of music! The class will meet between April 4th, and the two performances, June 15th and 16th at 3:00pm in the beautiful Harold J. Miossi Performing Arts Center with a live professional orchestra. Come and sing this amazing opera with us!
For questions regarding Tickets, please call 805-546-3198 or visit https://cuesta.universitytickets.com/
Parking is FREE for Cuesta College Performing Arts Center