Greens at the market 🌱
Time to get your greens! You can also pick up some tasty freeze-dried fruit 🍓 and candy 🍬 Mount Hood Farmers Market Friday 2pm-7pm
Estacada Farmers Market 10am-2pm
#nuevavistafarm #buylocal #mounthoodfarmersmarket #estacadafarmersmarket #eatyourgreens
Chef Marco cuts the greens every week for our restaurants and farmers market customers. We are so thankful for his dedication to the farm and our customers, and we love our #farmersfriend greens cutter! #nuevavistafarm #buylocal #mounthoodfarmersmarket #estacadafarmersmarket #eatyourgreens
We have a fabulous lineup at the Mount Hood Farmers Market for you today-Fresh-cut microgreens (sweet pea, sunflower, purple radish, broccoli & red cabbage), freeze-dried microgreens powder to elevate those smoothies, and freeze-dried strawberries, raspberries and blueberries! We even have some crunchy, freeze-dried skittles to take on your next hike or road trip. Come get them before they’re gone!
Don’t forget your greens! We invite you to join us at the farmers market and Support Your Local Farmer! If you miss us in Sandy on Fridays from 2-7pm, please join us in Estacada on Saturdays from 10am-2pm #farmersmarket #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #supportfarmers #microgreens #mounthoodfarmersmarket #estacadafarmersmarket
If you’re wondering what to do with those microgreens you just bought at the farmers market…here’s an idea! #microgreens #FarmToTable #estacadafarmersmarket #mounthoodfarmersmarket #supportlocal
Time to pick up your greens! Come visit us at the #mounthoodfarmersmarket on Fridays from 2-7pm, and the #estacadafarmersmarket on Saturdays from 10am-2pm. Sample our freshly cut microgreens amd freeze-dried strawberries and raspberries! #microgreens #freezedriedcandy #freezedriedfruit #localbusiness #localfood