A lot can change in a cycle of 7 years ! Seven years ago, on March 13th 2016, Joseph was regaled on his BIRTHDAY ~ by dear friends, Paul Rangell & and crew ~ today at 72 Joseph is FIT as ever, cranking out the Chai, Catering for many of you, even doing a Persian New Year COOKING CLASS next Sunday 3.19.23 ! Plus one of the anchors of Food Not Bombs renegade feeding team ~
So here’s to Joseph on his 72nd birthday ♥️🎁♥️ and his amazing presence in this Beloved Community AND to all of YOU who make what he does possible !! Long Live Hail & Hearty Joseph & MAY ALL BE FED !
The FINAL NIGHT of IndiaJOZE-The Restaurant ~ the last crew: Lynne , Emma, Blue, Jozseph Schultz, Sasha Childs & Dawn (missing from pic are Shannon, Grant & Janet) ~ a Staff Heroic until the bitter end !! Thank You Dear Ones for hanging-in-there thru the thick, the thin, the quagmire & the victories. You handled all the stress that this tiny kitchen & situation could throw at us & stayed the course, keeping our spirits up & our hearts open ~ to create an earthy, real, yet magical place, transcending time itself ~ where the wild foods of JOZE could: not only be enjoyed in families & community ~ but elevate souls to see the possible in this World !! YOU DID THIS !! Thank YOU does not even begin to cover the gratitude & awe we have for your loyalty to the cause & faith in JOZE ~ in the Big Love ~ Joseph & Sasha
This beautiful creature came to visit India Joze tonight ! And guess what ~ he loves our food !! This is Merle, the ALBINO HEDGEHOG, while his human feeds him Joze Basa Me Saltsa ~ truly, May ALL Be Fed ~
Gearing Up for TONIGHT ~ we have already EXCEEDED our goal of 30 Guests,,,, by 15 ! We are at 45 ~ as you can imagine, if you know our restaurant, we are OVER our usual seating capacity ! Thank You for your enthusiasm & loyaty !
THIS SAT, 8.18.18 ~ One Seating @ 6:00, of 25 global Calamari Dishes for $40 per Person / $70 per Couple,
All Pay @ the DOOR, cash welcome AND PayPal !!
4-ways to RSVP:: Call/Text 831.325.3633
OR message us @ facebook.com/IndiaJoze
OR e-mail Joseph: [email protected]
OR just stop-by the Restaurant Wed or Fri (closed Thurs for MAH Party). Only 30 seats, RSVP now
Day of Thanks, Giving & Feeding of the 600,,, aftermath ~>
Joze is CLOSED today, Friday, for Staff & Owner recouperation. Joze WILL be OPEN Tomorrow, Saturday. Grateful for your understanding...
Huzzah ~ S*P*R*I*N*G has sprung & NowRooz'16 has come & gone ~\\~ Last night JOZE was a wild, color-filled, fragrant, culinary adventure ! 32 courageous souls boarded the India Joze time capsule and with the fearless leadership and cooking prowess of His Regal Jozeness, were immersed in flavors, sounds and sites of ancient & modern Persia...Our stunning co-conspirators from House of Inanna, shared their beauty, elegance, rhythms & flowers with abundance & grace.... Bountiful Gratitude to Petra & Stacy for bringing their Tribe for the 4th year to Joze ~ What gifts of the heart & spirit you bring !!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye ~ WATCH a brief moment from yesterdays stunning proclamation by Sven Davis, the future brief mayoral candidate of Santa Cruz, when he thereby proclaimed June 7th, 2015 as "Jozseph Schultz Day" for his culinary generosity towards "New Music Works' Avant Garden Party" for 32 consecutive yearz ~ AND also for how he has added DEEP & SATISFYING FLAVOR to the LOCAL FOOD SCENE !!
3/4th of "Our Squid Who Art in Heaven" ~ written & read by His Imperial Jozness ~ in the midst of Calamari Dim Sum during the 20th International Calamari Festival... & Here's to 20 MORE ~ Rock On Joze ;~D