Daily AstroCast for October 2, 2023: Mercury in Virgo ♍️ is forming an opposition with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and it’s CRUCIAL that you pay attention 👀 to any misunderstandings that are currently ARISING! You could potentially discover yourself struggling to find and use logic and INTUITION in a balanced way. 💭 What ambiguous or cryptic communication 💬 is currently popping up for you? You might find yourself needing to sit down 🪑 and do some type of sleuthing 🔍 or problem-solving! We have a responsible and DEVOTED 🙏🏻 Taurus Moon up above currently and she will find herself BUSY connecting in a number of lunar transits. Luna and Uranus are forming a conjunction and you MIGHT find yourself spontaneously behaving in more unconventional ways or attempting to BREAK free 🦅 to find your own unique path! 🤔 What new possibilities are emerging so that you can SECURE new forms of pleasure 💋, material ASSETS and emotional stability? The Taurus Moon and Neptune will also be TOUCHING one another energetically today and you will want to PAY attention to your dreams 😴 for subconscious messages as they may HOLD valuable insights for you and your current journey! You may also find yourself indulging in some music 🎶, dancing or sitting down for some writing ✍️!! Luna and Venus in Leo ♌️ are forming a square and you or your ROMANTIC 💘 partner might be itching for some attention 😘! How are you being inspired to STRIKE up a balance between earning the validation and ATTENTION you seek ❤️🔥, as well as, securing emotional stability for yourself simultaneously? Practice open and vulnerable communication today, Babe 👏🏻! The Taurean Moon and Mars are forming a quincunx and your EMOTIONS may bring about an inability to feel ambitious 😞. You MAY find yourself needing to either be more assertive or a need to fulfill your own emotional 🥹 needs to bring about a sense of of peace ✌🏻 within and without yourself!
Daily AstroCast for April 6, 2023: Because the moon sign continues today in the sign of Libra ♎️, we are getting a SECOND ✌🏻 day of Full Moon energies carrying over! This 🌕 Full Moon in Libra is again assisting us in rebalancing ⚖️ and harmonizing the dualistic scale of personal pursuits and collaborative works. You may find many of your revisiting relationships going THROUGH a type of cleanse 🧼 or purification process right now! These relationships aren’t limited in any way, as they can be romantic 💘, platonic or even work-related in nature. We have some nice ❤️ planetary transits coming in TOMORROW, and that’s definitely something wonderful to look forward to after this past week and this current lunation! Oddly, Venus and Neptune will be one of those nice transits connecting tomorrow but also today with Luna up above ⬆️! The Libran Moon is forming a quincunx with BOTH Venus and Neptune today forming what we know as an astrological yod; this is said to bring about karmic interactions or a circumstantial OPPORTUNITY that applies to what your current incarnation was sent here in this specific lifetime to pursue. The Full Moon is 💯 absolutely interwoven into this all! Allow any challenges or obstacles 🛑 to pop up and come to you today without you JUMPING to fix it immediately!! Take it easy today 🧘🏼♀️ and you will find that the answers you seek WILL eventually present themselves to you, as the Universe ⭐️ does her part in channeling in chance SWITCHUPS in your current pathways. What new directions 🧭 will you be guided to pursue today? We will spend most of the day in a NEARLY day-long Void of Course moon!! Use this as an opportunity to indulge your own inner Divine Feminine by spending the day resting 💤 and enjoying more introspective activities 📖. This is also a good time to coordinate or go over any plans that need to be figured out at this time! If you need to respond to someone or feel like you NEE
I don't often cross post my day Job, but this is important. If any of you are supporters of special needs, rally for my group getting ready for a tournament this weekend:
I am crowd funding for my martial arts school...
anyone who donates over 30 dollars will get a t-shirt from the upcoming order earlier than everyone else. Please message your size.
Please help our special needs students make it to the tournament in Bakersfield this weekend!!!
Paypal/zelle: [email protected]
Check in on things to come.
New conjure products available in time for Christmas:
High John oil
Mastery oil
Money drawing
Psychic Boost oil
Cursing oil
Intranquil oil
Road opening
Attraction oil
Hot love oil (specify gay or straight)
High John powder
Peaceful home powder
Customer attraction
Boil baths:
Unrolling bath
Protection from Blackmagic bath
Prosperity Bath
Fast Money bath
Elevation bath
Road opening
Uncrossing bath
High John bath
Clearing negative people bath
Powder incense:
High John
Customer drawing
Mr. MONEY oil
(Free Shipping on orders over $50)
With passing of #gurupurnima
I hope that the tremendous shifts #Adiyogi creates in peoples lives be shown.
#yogainspiration #ishafoundation #sadhguru #spiritualmartialarts
Smoking for solving business problems. What do you see here?
#conjure #cigaraficionado
#palomayombe #spiritualmartialarts
#crossroadsrootwork #southernconjure #tobacco #nsunga #moneymagic
Magic is also a chemical reaction.
Alchemy is not dead. Some substances change into other substances. What your candles are made out of matters. The quality of your herbs matter.
Watch your workings and let them speak.
#alchemy #southernconjure
#crossroadsrootwork #rootwork #hoodoo #realconjureinitiative #conjure #candlemagick #witchcraft #palomayombe #brujeria #burnthecandleatbothends
Generational Curses...
Viewpoints and Solutions.
Cigar Smoking as a Spiritual Experience
By Greg Filer
Reading Time: 4 minutes
There exists a long history of tobacco use in the spiritual ceremonies of many different faith traditions. In particular, many Native American tribes used a mixture of tobacco in rituals bearing spiritual significance, and some of them even developed a theology around tobacco. The Lakota people, for example, have some of the most robust theology around tobacco use. In their tradition, tobacco and the pipe are a holy gift, and smoking is a form of prayer. While this is an oversimplification of a complex and involved part of the Lakota culture, it serves to highlight the importance of tobacco as a sacrament among these groups.
Despite that, some would argue that smoking can in no way be spiritual; this view-point is nothing short of demeaning and exclusive: demeaning towards all those traditions which value tobacco as an important part of the spirituality, and demeaning to those, even today, who find spiritual peace while smoking, whether it is cigars, pipes, or cigarettes.
Before moving too much further I should qualify some of the discussion that will follow. I write from a perspective that is influenced by an American Lutheran, Christian theology and understanding of spirituality. With that in mind, what exactly is a spiritual experience? More importantly, what is a spirit?
Putting aside any arguments for the spirit being the “little spark of good in each of us” claimed by some traditions, we can all agree that there is something that sets humanity apart from other species of animals. It is this difference that I refer to as the “spirit.” Given this definition, a spiritual experience would be anything that has an effect on this difference, whether positive or negative. The debate then turns to whether an act like cigar smoking is positive or negative experience. I am going to argue that cigar-, and to a lesser extent, pipe-smoking can elicit a positive spiritual exp