Opening tomorrow night, December 13th @highwaysps: “lover’s piece”, an exploration of people who identify as lovers who are also artistic collaborators. The show features the work of several collaborative couples, directed by Max Martin (@maxvo1um3) and Mandolin Burns (@mandolinoelani). FRIDAY + SATURDAY, DEC. 13 + 14 at 8pm. Tickets and further info available via the link in our bio.
@cantilevercollective : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 at 8:00pm
COMING SOON: “Lovers Piece”, Dec. 13 + 14 @highwaysps. For more info + to buy 🎟️ , click on the 🔗 in our bio.
“Lovers Piece” is an exploration of people who identify as lovers who are also artistic collaborators. The show features the work of several collaborative couples, directed by Max Martin (@maxvo1um3) and Mandolin Burns (@mandolinoelani).
u/Faust takes the red pill; u/Faust drinks the Kool-aid; u/Faust is indoctrinated into the cult of knowledge; u/Faust is doomed to repeat his downfall. FOR MORE INFO + TO BUY 🎟️ CLICK ON THE 🔗 IN OUR BIO.
One final performance tonight of @hibiscustv’s at 8:00pm @highwaysps. For more Info + to Buy 🎟️, click on the 🔗 in our bio. Don’t miss the dada-esque visual & auditory overload on display here. It’s a real treat. Tristan Tzara would be proud!
[MORE INFO + 🎟️ VIA THE LINK IN OUR BIO] @kayefreeman_art Tickets now available better get them now!! SAVE THE DATE 💓 November 15 & 16 we will be celluloid and live magical at @highwaysps We are @theamykaps and @kayefreeman_art go to @highwaysps to get your tickets NOW 🚨 #performance #performanceart