Alive, After Paradise

Alive, After Paradise event hostess and artist/shop owner in . book me: [email protected]

Jasmine Plaskon (she or he) is a q***r as f**k Black artist, performer, and community events coordinator here in the grungy pits of Seattle. There was once upon a time where Jasmine went to school and got an MFA in poetry from Spalding University but it turns out the student loan debt was not worth realizing she just wants to write fiction. Still, Jasmine cheers the thirty years and all that it ha

s brought him: travelling the country, the world (two countries so far), writing trashy and deep think pieces, tried to run a business, and trying again, trying to run a workshop (and happily failing), finding the real art in his heart, living with a loving husband and dog in a cool ass community. To stay up to date with her latest events, updates, and progress with Still Alive, After Paradise, visit her on her socials, or join the newsletter by saying 'hi!' to: [email protected]

oh god, you guys are still following me, i appreciate that. . .the lab isn't dead, just tinkering. i've been focused on ...

oh god, you guys are still following me, i appreciate that. . .

the lab isn't dead, just tinkering. i've been focused on commissioning more artists for my different stories, doing a lot of writing, and looking for a part-time gig to pay the bills. i've been out of commission for a second but it's not forever - i'm still thinking about fun, different ways to deliver content that's at least (somewhat) unique across the platforms.

hope you've all been well ♥ tell me, what have you been up to? and don't be shy, have my adorable dog to boost the algorithm


It's here. . .

The angels formally known as and like to strike, often and hard, so they're coming at you through a familiar medium you might've heard of before: their TV show !

And, in this episode of their Biblical multiverse, the Oldest Couple in The Universe show us how you can turn a petty conflict into the dramatic reunion it was always meant to be by twisting some words and telling a tale. It'll be wild, it'll be blasphemous, and it certainly will be gay,

But these two promise to entertain you if you'll indulge them for just a few seconds, so come on over and click the , or use this link here:

Thanks for your care and your support as I work on multiple projects ♥ It's a joy to begin bringing these two to life in a way that can be re-imagined!


i'm alive, just thinking about which version of Michael and Lucifer to tackle next 🤫

(it's definitely going to be Supernatural or Angels & Man, whatever my crack brain lands on first)

It's heeeeereee. . .  has launched for takeoff! As of June 17th, 2024,  and I agreed to make a separate account so you c...

It's heeeeereee. . .

has launched for takeoff! As of June 17th, 2024, and I agreed to make a separate account so you can get exclusive updates about our events, performers, and more!

Ah, but where does that leave moi?

Well, I've got plans of my own. You're already familiar with some of it: besides hosting this event, I'm an author in the middle of writing a book in real-time, letting you read the first version every step of the way since an epic takes, well, an EPIC amount of time!

So going forward, this is my permanent resting spot for all the author work I do!

IF YOU WANT TO UNFOLLOW ME BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT 18+ CONTENT ABOUT GAY ANGELS, DO IT. I totally understand if some of you followed more for the Speak Out Seattle content and I don't want to take away from that. But, I'd love to start sharing all the amazing things me and my friends are doing to bring this story to life ♥.

Stay tuned. . . and check us out on Instagram , we'll be waiting!

"Dialogues With the Devil" gets its revenge through the hands of Michael and Lucifer Prime. They know they've been givin...

"Dialogues With the Devil" gets its revenge through the hands of Michael and Lucifer Prime. They know they've been giving us a runaround so THIS time, they'll just introduce themselves the old fashioned way: 'with a little tale.'

It’s revenge of Michael and Lucifer Prime as they interrupt themselves once again to properly introduce themselves once and for all despite their mean multiverse game.

Welcome back! Michael and Yahweh have had time to figure out how they're going to carry on with the story, but remember:...

Welcome back! Michael and Yahweh have had time to figure out how they're going to carry on with the story, but remember: other characters exist! Now, the Archangel Raphael has entered the chat to have a word with his boyfriend . . ....

Welcome back! Michael and Yahweh have had time to figure out how they’re going to carry on with the story, but remember: other characters exist! Now, the Archangel Raphael has entered the cha…

Hello, everybody!All good things come in 3's and I'd like to let you know Chapter 3 is now LIVE to read on my A03 and Wa...

Hello, everybody!

All good things come in 3's and I'd like to let you know Chapter 3 is now LIVE to read on my A03 and WattPad! We're starting to get freaky with religion here so let's see how the introduction of some new characters spices up the court.

Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Let’s celebrate with some ho******ic romping with our two favorite angels with a new chapter release!

The year is two thousand and twenty four (2024). God told me, the author, to "pull a Dante Alighieri" by taking a trip t...

The year is two thousand and twenty four (2024). God told me, the author, to "pull a Dante Alighieri" by taking a trip through time and space to explore how our modern religious system came to be, all while making it ridiculous, gay, and h***y. Now, in order to do this, God has tasked me to do some betting in His fancy casino up in Heaven....

The year is two thousand and twenty four (2024). God told me, the author, to “pull a Dante Alighieri” by taking a trip through time and space to explore how our modern religious system …


. . .and then, there was a war in Heaven. Deep from the purview of the Throne, I heard a great angel's voice say:

"Welcome to the End of the World, mortal! I'll be your Heavenly Host, Michael.

Yes, you've heard of me, I know you have. But how well do you know me? It seems my dear Lucifer gets to tell the story, most of the time, but I thought I'd have some fun and tell one myself. Unsurprisingly, it's going to be about me, because duh. But don't think just because I'm an angel that I don't get into some trouble myself - quite the opposite: all I'm about to tell you is exactly how much trouble I've caused all these eons.

To keep you entertained, I'll be telling the tale in the format of the multiverse like Rick and Morty, in the form of an epic tale like the Illiad, in the style of political scheming like Game of Thrones, mixed up with all the absurdism and macabeness of American Psycho.

Well, I can't say more before I spoil it! You'll just have to follow early drops on . Or, perhcance if you're free, you can watch my Lucifer read how we met live on Thursday, Jaunary 25th at 5 PM PST here:


It's 1/1 and Saint Michael would like to wish you a Merry New Year!We collectively agree 2023 was bu****it, so we're pla...

It's 1/1 and Saint Michael would like to wish you a Merry New Year!

We collectively agree 2023 was bu****it, so we're planning on ringing in 2024 with a rancorous 'f**k you' right back! Come witness the divine magic of Michael's chosen angels to perform at Solo Bar on Thursday, January 11th! Show starts at 7:30PM but doors are open as early as 5, so come grab a drink and hear some fun s**t in the name of our favorite angel!

Oh, and ppsssst. . .

As your resident weirdo helping put these events on and just trying to live, I could use a little support! And, it's my 30th birthday, so all I really want is a little financial stability! Things have been tight since my layoff in June so I'm trying to raise $1,000 to float me from now until my job resumes on the 19th. Thank you so much! ♥

Welcome back! This is the second part of a spinoff (within a developing story), where the great Archangel Michael and th...

Welcome back! This is the second part of a spinoff (within a developing story), where the great Archangel Michael and the fallen Lucifer talk! (And maybe, just a little bit more than that.)

We interrupt the Hivemind . . . with a Hivemind! Here come new contestants, Lucifer and Michael “Prime,” also in on playing ‘God’.

Helloooooo lovely readers!Today, I'm dropping a snippet from an extensive, obsessive side-project of a project I'm hivem...

Helloooooo lovely readers!

Today, I'm dropping a snippet from an extensive, obsessive side-project of a project I'm hiveminding in. I call it: "Dialogues with the Devil, Part 2: Lucifer and Michael get gay." Thank you.

We interrupt the Hivemind . . . with a Hivemind! Here come new contestants, Lucifer and Michael “Prime,” also in on playing ‘God’.

tomorrow ✨

tomorrow ✨

❄️ Helloooooo December and happy Yule! ❄️How have you been doing now that the days are short? This time of year, seasona...

❄️ Helloooooo December and happy Yule! ❄️

How have you been doing now that the days are short? This time of year, seasonal depression can strike hard, especially up here in the PNW where you can miss sun as early as 3:30!

In the past, the long, dark nights have sapped my motivation and made me feel alone. But, I'm a winter baby, born fresh after New Year's! I don't like feeling sad when I want to celebrate another life around the sun. . .

Which is why this year, I am very happy I've found my stride. Doing a lot of art has been a balm, which is partly why my posts have been sparser as of late - I needed a lot of October and November to go in and just create, create create.

Now as I prepare to celebrate some December events, I feel MORE energized, not less. Creating again after a very, very long hiatus of mostly interspersed poems and a (not complete) attempt to articulate my own biography has rejuvenated me. I feel more strongly now than I ever have before about my direction and pursue it in joy.

For this month, I'll be posting about Solo Bar and other reading events you can catch, but stay tuned: I am also entering Phase 2 for my big project, "Still Alive, After Paradise" where you'll start getting visuals, more backstory, and, I'll start introducing special subscriber-based benefits like first to read full chapters.

I look forward to seeing you all and welcoming a new year where we let the freak flag fly and fight some f*csists!

With love,

Lucifer, the son of God, and Michael, the son of the Devil, strike a deal: Lucifer, for all of Michael's days, in exchan...

Lucifer, the son of God, and Michael, the son of the Devil, strike a deal: Lucifer, for all of Michael's days, in exchange for learning the ways of ruling the entire known cosmos....

Lucifer, the son of God, and Michael, the son of the Devil, strike a deal: Lucifer, for all of Michael’s days, in exchange for learning the ways of ruling the entire known cosmos.

What's this? God gambles? And He says you can bet on whoever you want, for all roads lead to Him anyway? Well, it's up t...

What's this? God gambles? And He says you can bet on whoever you want, for all roads lead to Him anyway? Well, it's up to you to decide who's worth your worship. . . God . . .Lucifer, Michael, or anybody in between!...

What’s this? God gambles? And He says you can bet on whoever you want, for all roads lead to Him anyway? Well, it’s up to you to decide who’s worth your worship. . . God . . .Luci…



Thank you so much for your patience with me as I went dark this last month. I know I haven't been on top of my messages at a rate that is consistent - not that I have felt rushed, but I really needed a lot of time to go inward and figure out what it is I want to express with my creative skills now that it feels like I'm starting at the edge of the world.

Here it is: I want to be an erotic theologian writer. Many of you have been so supportive as I've debuted it back in July as a sci-fi thinkpiece, and now here we are, the grand unveiling.

A new introduction from me is due, but I just want you to know this: I will still be active with events in the Greater Seattle community and am an active member of the arts sphere, a deep joy of mine that keeps me through dark times.

However, I know I also want to create my own thing and it was not meant to be a poem or a script but a book. So here is the book:

GOD IS DYING. The angels known as Lucifer and Michael mount their final takeover in order to secure the 7th Reign of Angels. And how, would you ask, are they doing it?

Simple: we won't stop talking about them over God.

Check out my fully updated website and tumblr to read the first free previews of the project ( 👆 ), learn more about what it's about, and what you can do to get involved if you're interested in joining the new hivemind of Biblical retellings.

(P.S., Catch me tomorrow at Works in Progress (10/25) at 7PM Hugo House, and Solo Bar on 10/26 for the 2nd Speak Out Seattle Show!)

*Works Mentioned:

The Mandela Catalogues by Alex Kister, art by DistortandDecay
Satan and Me by OrangePlum
Angels Before Man by Rafael Nicolas

oooooo, what's that sound   . . .?👻 Is it that time of year again already?You know it, you love it, it's none other than...

oooooo, what's that sound . . .?👻 Is it that time of year again already?

You know it, you love it, it's none other than HALLO-F**KING-WEEN!!!! This sacred time of year is where you shake out all your (or keep dancin' with them) and enjoy the last days of 7PM sunsets before we all go into the dark night of the soul.

But fear not! When you need to beat the dark, will turn up the lights and welcome you into the lair. Come on Thursday, October 26th at 8PM, where you get to watch a star-studded line up of local artists and writers read whatever their wicked heart's desire. And that desire can be yours too, because we're opening up the mic after the performers so anybody can hop on and show us some spirit!

Come, if you dare. Actually, we are daring you to. What do you have to lose if not a good drink, a costume party, and performances of a lifetime?

See you soon . . . 👀

HERE IT IS    ! thank YOU for being a part of the Georgetown Outdoor Arts Lounge this last weekend! It was a pleasure to...


thank YOU for being a part of the Georgetown Outdoor Arts Lounge this last weekend! It was a pleasure to feature talented artists of all creeds, disciplines, backgrounds, and styles. Fundamentally, art is a part of the public discourse; therefore, art belongs to and for the public!

We began with Larry, the owner of , welcoming us all and making a Land Acknowledgement for we are on Coast Salish and Duwamish territory. We then opened up with RASP members and WIP favorites and .iz and made our presence known.

Next was the train tracks: as the crowd gathered again, and are seen here (steeling) the stage and yelling over the noise of the industrial backlands.

Then we move to the park! , , and are featured here, capturing the audience with tales of god and demon summoning, odes to the papaya, and a cacophonous roar of poetry.

Thank you to artists Adam L. and Adam B. for the spontaneous creation of art. It enhanced the experience.

There was so much pleasure of not only organizing my first post-Hugo event, but working with friends who I met along the way. It was a pleasure to be in your company, have fun, get to know each other more, and READ!

It was also a pleasure to share with you all my emerging project that I am over the moon to share with you: "Lucifer, Beyond Eden." While not all of the work I performed on Saturday will be up, you can preview the 1st draft read of this visual novel on my YouTube Channel or .

We'll see you again next month at Solo Bar on September 21st, 8 PM, for a debut show: SPEAK. OUT. SEATTLE!

See you soon,

From your favorite local  :I put in my stories once that my life motto (right now) is: F.I.W.B. F**k It, We Ball!It's fu...

From your favorite local :

I put in my stories once that my life motto (right now) is: F.I.W.B. F**k It, We Ball!

It's fun, simple, and goofy to say. But, because I look at too many memes and it's so catchy, I do really view F.I.W.B as a motto worth sticking by. Everything is (literally) on fire and a lot of us are stressed the f**k out.

So, by implementing the F.I.W.B method, I exercise the chaos through partying. An exercise in meditation, if you will. And at these meditations, we laugh, cry, and shout at art to get the angst out.

What you see here are some events in that I will be in, at, or around. You. There's gonna be workshops, places to buy from local merchants, lectures to attend, poetry to hear, and of course, art to gawk at. They are all free, some on a suggested donation. Just show up and we'll worry about the rest later.

Tell everybody about it and I'll see you soon ✨!

Featured Venues/Organizers:

Writing Black: loving room: diaspora books + salon , Cassidy Dyce
Cutie Fest: Cutie Foundation
Marx's Communism: University Heights Center, Lara de la Rosa
Unpoetry at Underbelly: Underbelly , Eric Acosta
Honorable Harvest: Theosophical Society in Seattle , Deborah Woodward and Matthew Trease
Bread Reflex: Vermillion Art Gallery and Bar , The Reflexive Assembly Crew
Georgetown Art Lounge: Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery , Myself, Eric Acosta
Speak Out Seattle: Solo Bar & Eatery , Myself, Dario C.

DO YOU BELIEVE ART CAN CHANGE LIVES?On Sunday, the community formally known as book nerds, art freaks, wise elders, and ...


On Sunday, the community formally known as book nerds, art freaks, wise elders, and theater geeks all came on to put their art into the world and make a simple statement: I exist, so I want to create.

We travelled through in for a mile and a half to charm (or confuse) park goers. Even when they didn't stay, they were a part of the experience: digested or in love, curious or avoidant, they engaged with their faces and their looks. By this power, they too, were still a part of the artistic experience.

So my answer is yes. As I myself had a chance to show the world a new idea I've never put out there, the joy of doing it was everything. I was in good company, sweating my ass off, trying the things I never let myself really do as a kid.

That's why I say ART. CHANGES. LIVES! I feel so deeply for it that I feel like I can't imagine another life. If I don't create, I die. I always die.

So here I am, living. Let's live together and do more art. (Well, more art IS coming, by the way . . .stay tuned ♥)


What's on your weekend agenda?

I hope it's gonna be "The Tunnel: A Literary and Arts Crawl" in Seattle by my incredible colleague Greg Bem. He put together this line-up of incredible, talented performers Matthew Trease Eric Acosta Amy Hirayama , Jasmine Sarah Plaskon, and more for Sunday, July 9th, from 5-8 PM.

Bring comfortable things to sit in, stay covered and cool, and bring as many people as you know because it'll be the Summer Art party you've been dreaming of 🥳

Hi!You might've noticed some swanking up around here.My last day at   was Friday.  Working there was an incredible exper...


You might've noticed some swanking up around here.

My last day at was Friday. Working there was an incredible experience; over the last year and a half, I was welcomed through the doors to hold space and greet our community to a litany of literary programs ✨. And now, I have met an incredible, diverse group of folks who I call friends, comerades, and colleages supporting me in this new leap.

In order to embrace the journey I'm setting myself on - one of entrepreneurship, creation, performance, and of trying to go back to school - I am putting forth who I am exactly as you see me.

My name is Jasmine Plaskon, The Mercurial Griot. I help put on events, do performances, create, divine with the cosmos and soon, sell art.

The act of creating and telling stories is called a griot. Griots (as taught me) in the ancient world were honored for preserving history and entertaining the court. They documented people's lives with their words, whether written or verbal, a loving act that I find myself gravitating towards today. And, because I refer to myself as somebody who "chaotically changes her mind all the time," I feel it only natural to embrace the calling of Hermes and be my kooky, mercurial self.

As you watch my content evolve, I just want to let you know that I only sometimes share the same thing on ALL my socials. If you want to engage with me in different ways and see different sides (just as Mercury has two extreme sides due to its speedy orbit around the sun), don't forget to follow me on both FB and IG.

You can also subscribe now to my newsletter through a much more formal, swanky process! Sign up on my here, stay up to date with where I'll be, AND a f**kton more that you'll only find out if you click:

I'll see you very (very) soon and tell you how to find me!

With love,

Hello   2023! It's your community host with the most coming back to highlight some awesome events I'm helping run this w...

Hello 2023!

It's your community host with the most coming back to highlight some awesome events I'm helping run this week.

If you are looking for some bomb events in for this week to celebrate our legacy, you might want to come check out our programming at HHugo House

First, on Wednesday, June 14th, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM, former Hugo fellow and community member Cassidy Dyce will be hosting and curating an all Black writing space in our Salon! Come create and meet with your fellow Black creatives for a special first-of-its-kind programming at the House.

Register here:

This event is free but donations are encouraged to support programming at the House. Thank you!


Second, on Saturday, June 17th, from 1 - 4 PM, national Nigerian-American artist Amanda Eke comes to take on the stage and show us a different way to do some spoken word. This workshop is friendly for all ages and all skill levels with poetry.

This event is free to the public.


I will be helping hold the space down for both of these fantastic events and issue this as a formal invitation to see you there! 😎

Hello   ! Here's to a   and   celebration :)If you are looking for something to do, I've compiled a short cheat sheet of...

Hello ! Here's to a and celebration :)

If you are looking for something to do, I've compiled a short cheat sheet of events that both I and some of my colleagues will be hosting throughout the month that we'd like you to join us on.

When you join, interact, and share with these posts, it helps new creatives visit a space they haven't seen before and I want to make sure I spread the word , so I'm resharing here from my IG to keep folks in the loop!

See below for a descriptive lineup:

1) Need something to do on your slow Wednesdays after work? Seattle Weekly Sessions has you covered! Check out“Seattle Weekly Skate Session of Friendship" here on Facebook if you want to meet a cool community and have a chance to vote on where you’ll skate every week!

2) On Friday, June 9, we’ll be highlighting community legend Deborah Woodward as she reads from her translation work, “La Libellula.” You won’t want to miss it because in the company of Eric Acosta and Brian Dang, it’ll be a party!

3) One night of poetry not enough? Check out the communal work of Eric, Greg Bem, and more as The Cherry Pit is taken over by a flood of works! You have a chance every day from the 9th to the 16th to get your fill and engage in an interactive series about how alters leave you altered.

4) It’s here! You know it, you love it – come join me for my last formal session as the Works in Progress host on Monday, June 12th . Writing circle starts at 5, open mic starts at 7, come for as long as you want and sign up to read!

5) Not too long after that, you may want to join me as I host author Dominic Smith and community builder Daniel Tam-Claiborne duke it out in a conversation on June 13th at 7 PM, as they do a deep dive on the newly released book, “Return to Valetto!”

6) Poetry is not the only order on the block this month! Check out Inside: a space made to redefine self-care‘s new series on Black Masculinity, starting the 25th with community builder Andrew Thomas Carroll and continuing on every Sunday and Wednesday. See post for details!

7) Need a performance opportunity but haven’t had a chance yet? Contact on Instagram if you think you’re up for a SPOOKY read via the Poetry Séance series! Performance will be on July 28th, inquire for availability.

8) Last but not least, the beloved On The Block is coming in hot for June 10th! This is the 2nd one of the year so if you have not had a chance, go down to Cap Hill any time from 1 to 9 PM so you can get some fire goodies and meet a colorful community of artists!

IF YOU DID NOT GET ON THIS LIST FOR JUNE BUT REACHED OUT TO ME WITH AN EVENT OR WORKSHOP YOU ARE HOSTING, USE THIS COMMENT SECTION TO SHOUT IT OUT! A call for July events will (ideally) go out at the end of the month. Please bear some patience and grace as I transition into a new role ♥.
Thank you!


Seattle, WA


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