Our companion works - "Waging Peace" and "Seeking Peace' are now available to all on Trinity's website. Trinity will be highlighting them in the pre-election eblast “Your Week at Trinity Newsletter” that goes out on Monday.
"Seeking Peace," which was a two-day installation in St. Paul's Chapel, as a multimedia performance by Trinity Movement Choir, inspired by Conversations with Angels by Ann McCoy.
McCoy's original work featured radiant projections on the site of Majdanek, a former N**i concentration camp in Poland where 235,000 women, Jews and Catholics, were put to death during World War II. The site had become a pilgrimage place for youth, where McCoy cast glowing images on sheets hung at intervals, with benches facing both walls and mirrors to allow visitors to reflect the images into their own hearts.
In the Movement Choir performance, 12 of McCoy's images inspire meditative dance pieces, set to music by shakuhachi master Debbie Danbrook.
The pre-recorded 35-minute dance performance originally ran on a continuous loop, allowing visitors to reflect on the potential we all hold to make movements toward a more peaceful world.
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