Who can cook real food, not stuff prepackaged, canned, frozen, or in a box?
(No Kraft Mac N Cheese or Stouffer’s Lasagna) Looking forward to seeing your answers. This should be fun! 🤪
1. Made bread from scratch?
2. Cooked fresh okra or squash?
3. Made homemade soup?
4. Fried chicken?
5. Made spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes?
6. Made pickles?
7. Baked a cake from scratch?
8. Made icing from scratch?
9. Cooked a pot roast with all the veggies?
10. Made chili from scratch?
11. Made a meatloaf?
12. Made potato salad?
13. Made mac/cheese from scratch?
14. Made any pies/crust from scratch?
15. Made sausage from scratch?
16. Made fudge?
17. Made cookies from scratch?
18. Cooked a pot of dried beans?
19. Cooked a pot of greens?
20. Made cornbread from scratch?
21. Made a quiche from scratch?
22. Cooked a whole turkey?
23. Snapped green beans & cooked them?
24. Made mashed potatoes from scratch?
25. Prepared a meal for 30 plus people?
26. Made homemade tortillas?
27. Made pancakes from scratch?
28. Made liver and onions?
29. Made pasta from scratch?
30. Made tamales from scratch?
31. Made tuna or chicken salad?
32. Caught and fried fish?
33. Made baked beans?
34. Made ice cream from scratch?
35. Made jam or jelly?
36. Zested an orange or lemon?
37. Made grits from scratch?
38. Made an omelet?
39. Made homemade pizza?
40. Caught and cooked crab?
41. Made shakshuka?
42. Made palak paneer?
43. Made mozzarella?
44. Made yogurt?
45. Made sourdough?
46. Made banana pudding (no box)?
47. Made merengue?
48. Made real whipped cream?
49. Made butter?
50. Cooked a standing rib roast?
I know I have some cooking friends and family out there! Give yourself two points for ever “YES” answer and 1 point for every “NO” answer. Bonus 100 points if you can guess MY score!
Ready - set - GO!!! 😊