Last of the pop up. Please message me to claim and I’ll set it out in a bag for you xx
Thanks again
And Happy Holidays!!
Holiday cookies and pop up info!
Working in the next round of samples
Halloween pre-order and cookie information 🙂
Valentines and Super Bowl Orders…. Info in video
I’m starting 2024 with some exciting news. Just this past week a very unexpected opportunity presented itself and tomorrow I get to set up my very own classroom. The first since 2007!
A last minute 6th grade world geography position came up due to a teacher changing careers and HR reached out to me, knowing my love of culture, people, places and this world.
Once interviewed, I accepted. This all transpired within 5 days.
So, I’ve been shopping and dreaming up my perfect classroom. I’m extremely excited to be joining 6B at Mill Creek.
With that said, I’m unsure as to what my cookie story will look like for the first few months while I figure it all out.
Xo. Thanks for always being there for all these crazy adventures and evolving life!
Is anyone else making cookies today?
I really wanted to make a bunch of different holiday cookies so Avilene and I emptied my cabinets and oh many I wonder what we will come up with.
Post about yours in the comments. I’ll share the recipes as we make them.
I lied. It’s not a small pop up!