Sheffield Remembers

Saturday, Nov 2, 2024
Tickets at the door
Tentative start time tba Event Coordinator is Gale Hodge
Program Coordinator Danny McCorkle

Tentative First Saturday of November
(or the first full weekend of Nov - because Halloween would fall on Fri and be a conflict it might be changed to a second Saturday and not be held on Nov. 1st)

Tickets are $ at the Door for Sat Show
Friday Night Musical Meet and Greet Welcome Party will be free in the lobby of Clarion

4900 Hatch Blvd
Sheffield, Alabama 35660

(256) 381-4710

Fri Night everyone is welcome to take part in singing with recorded tracks and live "jam" music may also be possible - Doesn't have to be Elvis Songs

There is not currently a Website

An Elvis Tribute Artist event started by Jerry and Lisa Russell and their Today, Tomorrow and Forever Official Elvis Fan Club in Sheffield, AL -to raise money for charities the club chose each year. Now the concerts event is carried on by the Elvis Family it created and now held in memory of Elvis and Jerry Russell.


Sheffield Family please keep Jan Patterson in your prayers, she has been diagnosed with severe dementia and has gone straight from the hospital to a nursing facility. Kailey Tyson, her great niece who like Jan has also sang for us at Sheffield Remembers, send me the message asking that we remember Jan and also her grandmother Sharon Patterson Lacy, who also came with them is having a hard time seeing Jan as she is struggling with this and Jan has stopped eating. Please keep the whole family in your prayers.

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JJ loved his visits to Sheffield and even talked about wanting to move to Alabama because of the kindness he felt there - He needs our kindness again ------Our J.J. Elvis has gotten HURT again and needs his Elvis Family to help him out. A week or so ago Ginger Ragsdale called JJ and was checking up on him and he had told her that he had fallen trying to do something with a mirror and was hurting and she could hear it in his voice - she encouraged him to see a doctor but he didn't answer the phone the next day when she called back - Then today Layna posted this message
Danny just got through talking to JJ...
John J Plante. He had a really bad fall off of a step ladder this past Thursday, March 28th. He broke his ribs in 8 places. (Makes me hurt just thinking about that.) He is in Capstone Rehab Center in New Amsterdam. Bless his sweet heart !!! 😢
Please keep him in your prayers !!! ❤🙏
Let's shower him with cards.
John Plante
Capstone Rehab Center
302 Swart Hill Road
New Amsterdam New York 12010

So Please keep him in your prayers and also send him cards and show him your love and encourage him to stay in rehab and do what the doctors and nurses tell him. On a previous hospital stay he wouldn't go to rehab and they had thought they might be able to help him with his stability then, so maybe letting him know we are proud of him for doing what it takes to get back in performing health again might help. I talked to him recently and he was wanting to come back again this year to Elvis Week and missed everybody last year. He told Ginger he had already booked him a room (his health might not allow it and we don't want him to endanger himself but whether he can come or not it will make him feel good to know that everyone appreciates the work he does for his shows, Elvis and his fans)

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If you missed Christmas At Graceland - it has been shared that it  will be replayed on NBC on Dec 21st I believe at 7 CS...

If you missed Christmas At Graceland - it has been shared that it will be replayed on NBC on Dec 21st I believe at 7 CST or Elvis Time but check your local listings


This is long but it is important -----I know that we all appreciate what The Hodges and The McCorkles do each year for Sheffield Remembers and we appreciate that we just have to come into town on the chosen dates, check in to our rooms, catch up with our friends and meet new ones and then go find a seat and enjoy the music that just happens before us. We know that it didn't just happen but we don't often thing about what it takes to make it happen. We are eager to applaud when the thanks go out from the stage because we are glad they did the work but don't often know what it takes to get to that point. We have grown some new 'family members' thru the years too and so I thought it might be a good time to share how it all started and how it has continued.

Jerry and Lisa Russell lived in the area and they with their official Elvis Presley Fan Club - the Today, Tomorrow and Forever Elvis Fan Club started and supported the event known as Elvis Day in Sheffield. It was started from inspiration for The Tent during Elvis Week but also as a way to remember the trips that Elvis made to perform in the Sheffield area - also the cover shot of this page shows when Elvis stopped on his train ride thru the area. Official Elvis Fan Clubs had to follow Elvis' acts of generosity and give or do something for a charity. They used the event as a fund raiser and Jerry would pick one every year to give the profits to. In order to make a profit Jerry worked hard all year long with the hotel used as home base to get the best price for the rooms especially ones for the performers and with the businesses in the area and Memphis to get donations of money and also items to use in the gifts to the performer and for door prizes and other areas needed. Lisa also worked to help him with that. They even use to have a smaller version in the Spring to help bring in money to support the November one. If you never met or worked with Jerry you don't know that Jerry always had a plan and it was going to go that way no matter what he had to do it. He gave his all and expected no less from anyone else to accomplish the goal. It was called Elvis Day for a reason because it was a full day - 8:30 or 9 might be the start if he could get enough performers and he had them come from all over the world for the event. I think I remember counting 20 one year - of course last minute issues may cause the number or the names to have to change. Jerry took them in stride - he would try to provide some regulars and some new performers each year. He and Lisa were proud that the Club was able to provide rooms for the performers who had to pay their own expenses to come and at least one meal for them and usually their immediate family - It wasn't unusual on the Friday before to see the local Shoney's filled with Elvi laughing and visiting as they ate. Of course other Friday arrivers would begin to join them and buy their meals there too. After Jerry was able to get a contract with the current hotel building and all was able to be held in the same place and it worked so well he got them to provide the meal opportunity there. He would have a little welcome moment and even give them a small bag of gifts like Elvis pens to let them know they appreciated them. The last year that Jerry was in charge of Elvis Day as usual he didn't sleep much all week getting things ready and double checking everything, he and Lisa would work out the hotel and show venue deals and he would contact and book all of the performers and was gonna make sure everything went as planned. After the weekend it would usually take him a week or more to recover, but he wasn't bouncing back that year and Lisa was concerned and encouraged him to go to the doctor, he was still trying to start work on the next year's Elvis Day. They got bad news at the doctor and it was discovered that he had cancer and he had been busy at work as he had been busy working on all the things he was involved in including Elvis Day and his AA group. The cancer was very advanced and spread, plans to battle it was started and he kept trying to work but when he ran into issues with getting a good rate for the hotel for the event he decided that he was just not going to be able to pull off the quality of event he wanted and he didn't have the energy needed. He canceled Elvis Day, and said they would work to do it again the next year, but those performers and regular attenders did not want to give up so even against his wishes, probably because he was afraid they couldn't do it to his level of 'perfection' and vision for the final product - lol and it was his baby and he wanted to be a part of it - The Troops rallied together and pulled off the best version that they could because they didn't want to give up on the event that Jerry's dream had started. Jerry's health had not improved as he had planned probably the first time Jerry's plan wasn't accomplished as he wanted. The event was held in his honor and he and Lisa were able to come in for a short time and for hugs and love and unknown to them the profits that year along with donations was to be given to them to help with their bills. As it was becoming obvious that Jerry was not going to get his way he as he always did, came up with the plan for his memorial service and some of us believe that he let go of his life on earth on purpose that week so that his memorial service could be held on his birthday Jan. 28th, Jerry knew how to plan lol.

As the thoughts of the next year started and if that would be the final year or not, everyone had fell in love with what was kind of like a mini Elvis Week and a chance to get together again with 'family' and celebrate Elvis but how. Since most everyone lived out of town and had jobs and other responsibilities - there was no one who could do all the things that Jerry with Lisa's help did. It was decided that the majority of the work needed each year to make the day happen would be taken by the Hodges who were a part of it with Jerry from the beginning and the McCorkles who had been helping Jerry run the sound thru the years. Danny took over the booking of the artists each year and working to get the sets scheduled. Because there were so many regulars who wanted to be a part of it yes came easy, but schedules and unplanneds keep that ever changing and finding some new artists to come and be a part can make it challenging, Danny has to work up to the last minute to get the lineup ready and trying to work with the artists and their preferences and needs. The sound job is more than just popping in a cd or plugging in a mic, now many of the artists have all their music on their own devices and it is easier and more comfortable for them to use it than to burn a CD. Each artist may have a CD, flash drive, phone, tablet, laptop or just a list of songs they want to sing for them to pull up from the collection Danny and Layna has. Some of the songs have so many different versions even using their own tracks isn't easy and each track on any device may be at different sound levels so you are constantly having to keep adjusting the mic and the tracks. Have you ever tried to remember which 5 buttons or k***s you need to reset or unmute for which person as the music is rolling and getting it all done at the same moment before it is too late. Then there is always that one track or device that refuses to work lol and you have to quickly figure out an alternative to keep the show going. It is a lot of work and can be stressful but Danny and Layna make it look easy. One of the reasons that a list of scheduled artists isn't posted early is because just as Danny gets everyone lined up in the best spot for them and the audience, some one will have to cancel last minute and he has to find a replacement and reorganize everyone. They also have to bring all their equipment and get it set up and took down each year for both Friday night and Saturday.

Gale works with the hotel thru the year trying to get the best rate she can for the rooms and the best deal so that we can have the exhibition rooms for the show and make sure even in the years it wasn't always provided but a breakfast was included. There is a lot of details that go into the contract and papers that have to be signed and requirements met. Gale takes care of all of that and any money that is brought in and is given out she also takes care of.

Since the Today, Tomorrow and Forever Elvis Fan Club was now no longer in charge of the event the name Elvis was per protocol not supposed to be used, although many other events do use it and legal action hasn't been taken out of caution the name of the Event was changed to Sheffield Remembers. Also since no one had the energy or the time that the Russells' did to work to raise donations and make it a profitable charity event and the first couple years just making enough to cover any costs was a concern, it is not currently a charity event but brings the money in that is needed to help defray some of the expenses for the artists who give their time and talent to come at their own expense.

Tammy Sauer and her Mom, Sue Prince jumped in to help with not only bringing in some more money to help with that but also a fun way to let others help, allow folks to donate things they find, don't need or want to create and everyone else to have the fun of buying the raffle tickets with their donation and getting a chance to win something special to take home. This too isn't an easy job -although they love it --- they have to remind people of donations, collect them set them up number them get the bags ready and manage the sell of the tickets and then handle the drawing and the distribution of the items = with everyone trying to take part and asking questions and getting the guidelines and information all going at the same time can bring a bit of stress too. Handwritten numbers can look a like, dollars can stick together and you have to get it all right and swiftly.

As soon as Gene and Gale arrive at the hotel - they start their second job with is making sure the room is set up correctly, then putting the curtains that they bring set up around the back of the stage, also the other parts that are gotten locally all set up and secure. Have you ever tried to stand up on the top of a ladder and try to make two pipes join as they are balanced on a pole or make sure sheets of curtain fabric are all aiming the same way? It only takes the stage being set up half an inch in a different spot and they have to adjust everything and adapt. They also set up the lighting and table and decor around the stage for needs and to dress it up. Sometimes as we are starting to gather for Friday night them and those who are helping them each year are working on the finishing touches or adjustments. They try to make it comfortable and inviting for the artist and enjoyable for the audience in the whole room. Gale also works with the emcee to make sure they have what they need and are aware of any changes, info or needs that arise. Gale has to also keep checking thru out the day that everything is running smoothly and everyone had what they need to keep things going along as well as possible. Like with the sound there is always going to be something that happens that wasn't expected or planned and you have to find the solution quickly. Even if things like room issues arise that are outside of responsibilities she is often the person people go to for help or answers so after all the work put in to pulling off a successful weekend, sitting down and enjoying it is not usually possible.
Somethings are also just out of the McCorkles or the Hodges ability to fix, adapt or answer but they try.

Those aren't the only people who have jumped in and helped to make it a fun and great weekend, there are always stories of others jumping in to help each other as needed. That is what makes it such a success - Elvis was the inspiration and The Russell's were the dreamers and the creators who brought it to life and the family that they started has become the ones that have kept it alive and made it what it is today, trying to stay as true as possible to Jerry's vision and plans and making the adjustments as needed.

I know we truly all enjoy the hard work that goes into such a special event and when we clap for those in charge we mean it we do appreciate it but I just wanted to remind us of what we are really appreciating

I thought I would share one of the last videos ( I think it might be the last song of the last set he did) of Jerry at Elvis Day and his sentiments are still true - it belongs to everyone and it is a Wonder that just a big little event could be managed by people from out of town in a small city few have heard of and build such a great family and memories - and to let you know how it takes a few special people to do what one man handled every year. The Wonder of Sheffield Remembers!


Lead Me Guide Me - Sheffield Remembers 2023 Finale

And with that Sheffield Remembers 2023 is completed. As always it was a fun packed weekend, visiting with old friends, making new friends and lots of great music - mostly Elvis' ! There were many of the family that were not able to make it and they were missed. This year was dedicated to our Friend and previous emcee Robert Fulkerson. Without his smile the room was a little less bright but the presence of him and all those "Family Members" no longer with us was felt in our hearts. It isn't too soon to add the dates to your calendar for next year - Sheffield Remembers or "Elvis Day" as Jerry Russell named it will be on Nov. 2, 2024 and Nov 1, we will plan for our free musical meet and greet. As soon as all the details of the weekend have been finalized and the pricing set we will let you know on this page so you may make your reservations. Photos and videos will be added to this page in the coming days.




Landon Isabel was a big hit at his first Elvis Week. Someone requested he sing this song but the ladies didn't give him much chance to sing. This will be his first Sheffield Remembers too.


Evan Bradford will be back this year! You never know what special and different thing or song Evan will bring us.


Here is one of our new performers - Aiden Joiner. Aiden is very energetic and uses the whole stage if the song allows. We know you will love him.


UPDATE ⏰⏰⏰- The current estimated start time due to the amount of Elvis Tribute Artist planning to perform is ⏰10:30 am⏰ - We have some new artist for Sheffield Remembers and some we missed last year. We will be posting videos of currently planned performers between now and November 4th. PLEASE CHECK BACK OFTEN for updates and changes. 😃

UPDATE AS OF 10/24  OPENING CEREMONY WILL NOW BE AT 11 AM   There are currently 15 ETAs scheduledFree Breakfast for thos...

UPDATE AS OF 10/24 OPENING CEREMONY WILL NOW BE AT 11 AM There are currently 15 ETAs scheduled

Free Breakfast for those staying at The Clarion each morning
The Bar and Grill will not be opened this year for other meals.
There will be a late afternoon meal break on Saturday
Friday does not have a set time depending on travel and traffic but will be early evening and focus begin gathering in the lobby around 5 and updates will be given as possible.

If you would like to sing on Friday, sign up for the Open Mic at sound table and if you have a favorite track you can bring it. The Saturday Performers will be singing as well - music does not have to be Elvis on Friday Night.

-----Check back to this page often or like the page to get the updates which will be starting soon. Be sure to mention the event when booking your room to get the discount. Don't miss the fun.

Bring cash for the tickets at the door, Some performers will have items to sell and to purchase the tickets for the Raffle draws.

Performers if you have merchandise you would like to sell or info to give out you can have a table near the raffles to use.



Sheffield Remembers Family please keep Danny McCorkle and his Mom, Joy Stanton in your prayers Joy's son, Danny's brother, James passed away. Please keep the rest of their family especially his 3 daughters in your prayers as well. - There will not be a McCorkle Monday for the next 2 Mondays if you are a regular watcher on Layna's page.


Lead Me Guide Me - Sheffield Remembers 2022 Finale'
Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Somebody Bigger Than You and I - Jeff Wahlig

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


God Bless The USA - Danny McCorkle

Danny proudly opened up his set with the help of Robert Fulkerson the emcee for the event, to honor the Veterans that were in attendance.

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


We Can Make The Morning - Josh Davis

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Theodore Mystic Mentalist

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


All Shook Up - Don Obeidin

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Hurt - Robert Keefer

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


O Happy Day - Terry Padgett

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Paralyzed - Ken Marshall

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Lil' Darling - Danny Frasier

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


Wearin' That Loved On Look = Ashleigh Crosby

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


The Walls Have Ears = John Varner

Video filmed and shared by Kathy and Rodger Goodwin


The Clarion 4900 Hatch Boulevard (256) 381-4710
Sheffield, AL





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